Alfred 5.5 is here - Find out what's new

A New Website, Support Site and Blog

Hello everyone and welcome to the new Alfred website!

Just over a week ago, we launched our new site, which was a few months in the making. I'm very proud of the results, and am keen to share with you what we changed and we we did it.

Our key aims were to make the site better in a few different ways for you, our wonderful users;

  • Bring all of our sites under one platform (main website, blog and support site)
  • Make the site faster and easier to use, from both a technical and a user experience point of view
  • Create a highly responsive site which is mobile-friendly and consistent across the board
  • Improve the quality of the documentation and tutorials

One Platform to Rule Them All

Andrew created a bespoke, lightweight platform with some clever caching, which allowed us to bring together our support site, blog and main website.

Using this blazingly fast platform hosted on Linode, we've removed the need for multiple third-party platforms and the reliance on their uptime and speed performance. To be clear, we still adore WordPress (which we used for the blog) but it wasn't the perfect solution in this case, given how few of its features we were actively using.

We've also now enabled https, so your traffic will automatically be forwarded for secure browsing on our website.

Navigate Easily and Happily

By making the support site, blog and website live under one home, it's more consistently themed and it should be much easier to find your way around!

You can now search the help site and blog in a single place so that you don't have to think about where to look for the information you need.

Also, don't forget that there's a "help" keyword in Alfred itself, so you can search the site directly from Alfred for extra speed.

Help keyword in Alfred

Spruce Up The Support Site

As the Alfred 2 support documentation was written over time, and Alfred is constantly evolving, this project gave me a chance to review or rewrite hundreds of pages to be up-to-date, more useful and easier to understand.

This part in particular is a never-ending effort, and we'll continue to add useful tutorials, improve existing ones and ensure we answer your questions as best we can.

So what's next?

With this new website, the stage is now set for some awesome posts, including a short series where we'll share some of the technical aspects of this project in more depth.

We'll also be publishing more tips and tutorials, inviting guest writers to share how they make the most of Alfred, and giving you insight into future development projects more frequently.


Latest Blog Post:

Video Tutorial: Using Web Searches and Creating Custom Searches in Alfred

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