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It's Alfred's 9th Birthday: Thank You to Our Community Members

Today, we celebrate Alfred's birthday. It's been 9 years since we released the very first version of Alfred into the wild, and received a warm, kind and completely unexpected response!

The community has grown to millions of users since 2010, and we want to highlight a few community members who have truly made an impression on us, and on fellow Alfred users.

Vitor Galvão has been a community member since 2013, and has since published over 50 workflows - that's excluding all of the smaller ones created on-the-fly for fellow forum users, or the ones for personal use! Most of Vitor's workflows can be found on the forum.

Dean Jackson is pretty much part of the furniture, having used Alfred since the start. A prolific forum contributor, Dean has created some fantastic, advanced workflows like Searchio!, which auto-suggests search results from multiple search engines and languages.

Vincent de Saboulin joined the community in 2012. It's truly humbling to see the extent to which he went to create a comprehensive website to accompany his Spotify Mini Player workflow, which allows you to control Spotify from Alfred.

Other notable members of our community and forum include folks like dfay, Carlos-Sz, raguay, and countless others who have generously shared their time and creativity to help others. Whether you've spent a few minutes helping a colleague get started with searching their Mac, pointed a friend to the Clipboard History feature or written a blog post to share your most used workflows, thank you. We tip our bowler hat to you, the folks who make the Alfred community so much fun to be a part of!

Be sure to stick around, as we have exciting things on the roadmap for Alfred, and we can't wait to tell you more about it later this year.

Vero & Andrew

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