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Power Up!: Payment Process Gets An Upgrade

When we first launched the Powerpack a year ago, we set up Google Checkout as the primary payment system. It was easy to set up, it was affordable and it meant Andrew could get back to adding new features to Alfred.

Opinions about Google Checkout were very divided; Some of you liked it but many felt Google knew enough about them already without handing their card details over. I handled numerous PayPal transactions manually; not great as the manual license creation meant there was a delay, and if I've learned anything about Alfred users is that you're keen to play with Powerpack features as soon as you can! :)

Foxy Cart

After much research and investigation, we opted for the excellent FoxyCart platform to handle the checkout process. The lovely Zaharenia did a great job of making your checkout experience as pleasant experience by prettying it all up!

As a result, buying the Powerpack is now a smoother and simpler process, with debit/credit card or PayPal option, as you prefer. Best of all, no need to dig around online for your license code, it'll arrive straight to your inbox, wearing its bowler hat proudly.

If you've yet to buy your own copy of the Powerpack, why not grab it now? Do give us a shout when you've made your purchase as we'd love your feedback.


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