The Alfred Christmas Calendar for 2014 is here!
With Christmas on its way, we're counting down the days with our very own calendar.
Until Christmas Eve, every day, a new box will open, filled with tips for using Alfred, fun links to things we love and, who knows, perhaps a deal or two on apps we love!
Today is day 2 of the calendar, and this entry is a little different. We're sharing the love with more than just you, our lovely Alfred users. We'll be donating £1000 GBP to WaterAid. Water is the source of life, and clean water is a luxury we often take for granted when we turn on the tap in the morning.
WaterAid helps provide water and sanitation to millions of people around the world, transforming the lives of these communities through access to clean water, toilets and health education.
Don't forget to bookmark the Alfred Christmas Calendar to see what's behind the door every morning until 24th December!
[Image credit: WaterAid/Layton Thompson]