Alfred 5.5 is here - Find out what's new

Guides and Tutorials to walk you through discovering or setting up a particular feature or integration.

Two new Alfred Tutorials by ScreenCastsONLINE

ScreenCastsONLINE has published two brilliant Alfred video guides; a Primer to the features included in the free version of Alfred, as well as a guide to Alfred's Powerpack features.

Interacting with Web Browsers via Automation Tasks

In the 2023.3 release of Automation Tasks, we introduced the Frontmost Browser collection, with tasks to help you work with your web browser

Discover How to Create Your Own Alfred Workflows

Curious about creating your own workflows but not sure where to start? We've got your covered with the built-in Getting Started Guide to Workflows and the Alfred Gallery!

Introduction to Automation Tasks

A primer on Automation Tasks and how to use them

Using Python 2 workflows in macOS Monterey 12.3+

Here are a few tops on how to use Python workflows in macOS Monterey 12.3+.

Using macOS Shortcuts with an Alfred workflow

When Apple's Shortcuts was released on macOS Monterey, our community started asking for ways to run shortcuts from Alfred. You’re so passionate for automation that you want to automate your automations, and we love that!

Workflow Tutorial: Using a Single Keyword for Multiple Snippets

Did you know that you can use a single snippet keyword for multiple snippets?

Searching Google Drive with an Alfred workflow

Take a look at the Google Drive workflow, how to set it up, build your index and use this very helpful workflow.

Tutorial: Share your Workflows Using GitHub

To help new workflow creators share their creations, long-time Alfred workflow creator Vítor Galvão wrote this guide to sharing your workflows on GitHub.

Latest Blog Post:

Alfred 5.6 Released: Improvements and fixes to Workflows and more

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