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Alfred Is 8 Years Old Today!

Happy Birthday Alfred Alfred celebrates his 8th birthday today, and we can hardly believe how time has flown!

In 2010, we released Alfred 0.4 to friends, and it's hard to believe that eight years later, our incredible community has grown to millions of users around the world.

If all Alfred users were to stand next to each other and hold hands, we'd make a line stretching at least... well, at least somewhere very far from where we started! ;)

In order to mark this milestone, we've decided to make a £5,000 charity donation, shared between Mind, a mental health charity here in the UK, and Emmaus, an international charity working to end homelessness. Every day, we're grateful to work in a warm office on beautiful software, surrounded by a friendly community. These charities aim to help individuals get the support they need to get back on their feet.

Don't forget that if you want to show off your love for Alfred, you can grab some stickers to slap onto your shiny Mac, a snazzy t-shirt or a mug to fill with productivity-boosting coffee on our Alfred online shop.

Whether you joined us in 2010 or only discovered Alfred yesterday, and whether you're simply using the free version or using Alfred's Powerpack superpowers, thank you for being part of this wonderful community! You keep amazing us with your clever workflows, your creative use of snippets and your gorgeous custom themes.

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Alfred 5.6 Released: Improvements and fixes to Workflows and more

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