Alfred 5.5 is here - Find out what's new

Alfred 1.0 is here: Pop the champagne!

It's with immense pride and excitement that we released version 1.0 of Alfred today. A major milestone for us, having spent the past two years creating this app and getting to know the awesome Mac community that surrounds us.

Check for updates in Alfred's preferences to download it now. You may notice that your update arrives even quicker than usual, as we now use Cachefly's content delivery network to distribute Alfred at dizzying speeds.

New features

In this release, the Powerpack gets a few new features. We've vastly improved Global Hotkeys, allowing you to launch apps, extensions, files and more quicker than ever with a key combo!

Global Hotkeys

URL History is a new and incredibly handy feature; Type a URL once in Alfred and he'll remember it for next time. Save these URLs for as long as you need and manage which ones Alfred remembers within the preferences. As with Clipboard History, you'll need to activate it to start using it, as Alfred respects your privacy.

URL history

There's much more too: Snippets now allow you to sort and search your collection of clips, preferences have been tidied up and Alfred has been made even faster. Have a look at the change log for the full list of features, improvements and bug fixes.

Grab the Powerpack today

You have a few days left to get the Powerpack at the discounted price of £12 before the 1.0 price of £15 kicks in, so grab it now to get the best value! Don't forget that if you want a lifetime of Alfred updates, you can also get the Mega Supporter license.

Last month, we set up a new payment process to make it completely fuss-free for you to grab the Powerpack using either debit/credit card or PayPal.

The free version has been submitted to the Mac App Store and will become available as soon as it's approved by Apple. If you were waiting for the Powerpack to hit the Mac App Store, have a look at this blog post for why you might want to wait no longer and get it from our website.

What's next?

To everyone who has helped us get this far by spreading the word about Alfred, we thank you. It's been an exciting ride so far, and we're loving every moment. We still have some great features up our sleeve for Alfred's 1.x updates. We are also planning on developing more great Mac apps to make your life easier.

Andrew & Vero

Latest Blog Post:

Video Tutorial: Using Web Searches and Creating Custom Searches in Alfred

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