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Alfred 4.3 Released: Gorgeous Theming and Feature Improvements

Alfred Modern Dark Theme on Big Sur

On Monday, we released Alfred 4.3, which you can download from or via in-app update.

It's a lovely big release, with a key feature you can feast your eyes on. We've added new default themes - Alfred Modern and Alfred Modern Dark - to take advantage of the new theming improvements and to tie in with the new look of macOS Big Sur 11.

If you enjoy designing your own themes, you'll have fun creating new ones and taking advantage of the macOS Visual Effect view for a dark or light background, new rounded corners and much more. We'll be sharing a more detailed post on using these new theming features soon.

In the meantime, take a look at the Change Log for a more detailed list of changes to theming, as well as a long list of improvements and tweaks to other existing features.

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Video Tutorial: Using Web Searches and Creating Custom Searches in Alfred

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