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Alfred v2.4 Released: New Yosemite themes and fonts, improved fuzzy search and more

Alfred v2.4 officially brings in OS X Yosemite compatibility and theming improvements, as well as some general improvements and bug fixes.

While Alfred has been working fine on Yosemite since the first OS X 10.10 beta, this latest release adds improvements and fixes the minor quirks some users have experienced in Yosemite.

Theming Improvements

We've made loads of theming improvements and have added two gorgeous Yosemite-style themes to the default selection of themes, with a light and a dark version using Helvetica Neue Light for a swish fresh look.


If you're a Powerpack user, you can customise the themes to get a slick semi-transparent background by turning down the opacity of the background and setting the new window blur option to medium in the Appearance Options.

Amongst the many other theming improvements, you can also now change when to show the result subtext, allowing you better control over how minimalist your theme is; Show the result subtext for the selected row or only for alternative actions.

Fuzzy Matching for File System Navigation

This new option makes browsing the file system even easier by introducing fuzzy matching; While browsing your file system navigation results, "CS" will bring up ColorSnapper or "GC" for Google Chrome. This setting is on by default and matches file results more loosely for a more natural search.

If you preferred the old bash/shell style navigation, you can turn off fuzzy matching in Alfred's Features > File Search > Navigation preferences.

Improvements to Workflows

Amongst the many workflow improvements, you'll find some useful new alfred_ environment variables when running scripts, which provide commonly required Alfred information. We've included more details on these variables in this support Knowledge Base.

We've also added support for proxies (http_proxy and https_proxy) and the proxy exception list. You can enable proxy support in Alfred's Advanced preferences.

Many more improvements and bug fixes

Have a look at the change log for the full list of improvements and fixes. And don't forget to update to v2.4 in-app through the Update tab or download it from our website.

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