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Alfred v2.4: Yosemite fixes and many improvements

Following the release of OS X Yosemite Preview 4 as a public beta, we're bringing forward the first Alfred v2.4 release. This build has better support for saving Alfred's preferences, which were affected by a few changes introduced in Preview 4, as well as a whole host of amazing new improvements including two brand new Yosemite themes.

If you're using Yosemite Preview 4, we would love for you to help us test this build. Keep in mind that this is a development build and is essentially untested, but we've been using it over the past few weeks and it's perfectly stable.

You can update to the latest pre-release in-app or download the beta Alfred v2.4 build 277 directly to take advantage of these improvements. Once the build has been thoroughly tested, we'll put it out to general release.

You can now update to the latest release in app or download Alfred directly from to take advantage of these improvements.

You can see what's new in Alfred v2.4 so far in the change log.

Latest Blog Post:

Alfred 5.6 Released: Improvements and fixes to Workflows and more

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