Two new Alfred Tutorials by ScreenCastsONLINE
ScreenCastsONLINE has published two brilliant Alfred video guides; a Primer to the features included in the free version of Alfred, as well as a guide to Alfred's Powerpack features.
Video Tutorial: Using Web Searches and Creating Custom Searches in Alfred
Learn how to create your own custom searches and use them in Alfred with this quick video guide
Watch Alfred Videos on YouTube
Did you know that you can now discover Alfred's features on YouTube?
Learn to Create Workflows with Alfred's Built-In Examples
Did you know that there are dozens of workflow examples and templates built into Alfred to help you get started and learn how to create your own?
10 Great Uses for Alfred's Hotkeys
Kick your keyboard control into high gear. Take a look at how you can improve your workday by adopting these ten tricks and creating a few handy hotkeys of your own.