Alfred 5.5 is here - Find out what's new

Getting Started with Alfred 4

Alfred 4 is now available for you to download; here's a quick guide to getting started with this new version.

Upgrading or Installing a New OS

With macOS Sierra's release just around the corner, we wanted to share a few tips to get you up and running with Alfred as quickly as possible on a new version of Apple's operating system.

How to safely back up and sync your preferences before upgrading OS X

Syncing your settings keeps your carefully created preferences safe. Most importantly, it also allows you to stay in sync on more than one Mac.

Alfred v2.0.1: Importing Settings from Alfred v1

This release adds the ability to import your Alfred 1 settings into Alfred 2 to make your upgrade smoother.

Alfred v2 Primer: Getting Started with Version 2

With Alfred v2 now available for everyone to download, you might wonder where to start. This primer is your guided tour to version 2.

Latest Blog Post:

Alfred 5.6 Released: Improvements and fixes to Workflows and more

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