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Search Automation Tasks in Workflows

Automation Tasks are the easiest way to create a workflow without a single line of code.

As of today, there are over 200 Automation Tasks you can use to perform specific tasks in macOS completely script-free.

Use Automation Tasks to merge files into a single PDF, crop and resize images automatically, transform text and URLs or move and manage windows on your Mac, there's an Automation Task for that!

You can browse Automation Tasks by adding an Automation Task object to the workflow canvas, and opening its configuration - but that's not the only way to peruse them!

Automation Tasks - Browsing ATs

Adding Automation Tasks to your Palette search

Did you know that you can also add Automation Tasks to the Workflow Palette search to quickly search all actions as you build your workflow?

When you search the Palette, all tasks will be included in results, identifiable by their hexagonal object shape.

New Safari Window AT in the Palette results

To do this, open Alfred's Preferences to the Workflows tab, click the "Alfred Gallery" menu at the bottom of the sidebar on the left, and open "Automation Task Options..."

Check the box to "Show Automation Tasks in editor palette search results" to include them in the Palette search.

Automation Task Options, adding them to Palette results

Hot tip: Check the box to "Automatically keep Automation Tasks up to date" while you're there, as we often release new Automation Tasks, so Alfred will take care of keeping these updated in the background for you.

You can now use the / or \ shortcuts to start searching the Palette, then type the name of the Automation Task or workflow object you need, and press Return to add it to the canvas.

Practical Automation Task workflow examples

We've shared a few everyday use examples of Automation Task based workflows as inspiration:

Need help creating the perfect workflow? Have an idea for a new Automation Task? Join us on the Alfred forum and share your creations with the community. :)

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