Discover Alfred Workflows: Design and Development
The Alfred Gallery contains hundreds of useful workflows to help you work more efficiently. Workflows hosted on the Gallery are subject to automatic and manual security checks, notarised and signed, ensuring these workflows are safe and work beautifully on your Mac.
Let's take a look at workflows and integrations for design and development.
Content and Images
Need quick mockup text and images? Done! Want to optimise your images for your website? Also done!
Placeholder Images by the Alfred Team
Get placeholder images for design and code
Lorem ipsum by Alex Chan
Generate dummy text
Optimize Images by Alexander Willner
Compress images without losing quality
Image Shrinker by Acidham
Reduce file size and dimensions of images for sharing
TinyPNG by the Alfred Team
Compress images via TinyPNG
Colours and Design
Did you know that when you copy hex codes to your Clipboard History, Alfred will recognise it and offer a colour preview on the right side?
These workflows offer quick colour picking, icon generation and handy size references for print.
Color Picker by Patrick Sy
Colour picker and previewer
Icon Generator by Nathan
Generate icons from emoji and SF Symbols
Paper Formats by Vítor Galvão
Reference International Paper Formats
Development and Coding
Review your code, keep it tidy and look up coding answers. Search all the docs!
Search ALL the Docs! by Chris Grieser
Search developer documentation sites
HTML Element finder by Joost de Valk
Find HTML elements by typing similar characters
What Unicode Character Is This? by Patrick Sy
Find out the components of a string
Howdoi by Benjamin Gleitzman
Instant coding answers
Kaleidoscope Integration by Kaleidoscope
Compare clipboard and file contents with Kaleidoscope
There are many more workflows for you to discover; Browse the Alfred Gallery and join us on the forum where our community share their creations and ideas every day.