Change Log
Please note that the Change Log covers all changes including Powerpack-only features. To enjoy all that Alfred has to offer, be sure to buy a Powerpack license. :)
Alfred 5.6
Build 2290, Monday 24th February 2025
Workflow Improvements and Fixes
- Added fn+Click shortcut in Workflow Editor to automatically align objects to the selected object
- Added hint for this in Workflow Editor overlay
- Workflow variable placeholders now available in more places e.g.
- Alfred 5.5 GUI Views alternative mod connection subtext
- Universal Actions trigger name
- File Actions trigger name
- When deleting a Workflow, add option on dialog to also remove the workflow's cache and data folders
- Disabled by default, Alfred will remember the checkbox status
- Added option to sort the Workflow list by category in the Workflow Editor
- Improve workflow object debugging by displaying when processing of last stream object is complete, and the discarded argument at this point
- Fix (null) keyword string when configuring a Workflow subsequent Keyword Input in "keyword" inbound mode, and omitting a keyword in the configuration
- Also show a warning message in the debugger of this misconfiguration
- Update Music Command Workflow object popup style to match System Command workflow object
- Correct prefocus the path field in the Reveal File in Finder Workflow object configuration
- Update Grid View buffer behaviour to better match default results
- Fix showing Workflow Bundle Id as orange if it contains unexpected characters
- Update the Dispatch Key Combo Workflow object config to use a number slider for the dispatch count
- Added new
workflow script environment variable - Remove the "All Workflow Objects" workflow object from the getting started menu, as the palette provides the same information
- Prevent double encoding of + when using %2B when calling a Workflow External Trigger via URL
- The External Trigger Identifier configuration will now show as orange text when unsuitable characters are used
- Implement External Trigger Identifier conflict resolution logic within the Object Inbound Configuration sheet
- Add small message to Run Script and Script Filter Workflow object configurations hinting towards using the "with input as argv" mode
- Improve the layout and alignment of the components in the generated Workflow User configuration view
- Update "Subtitle" to "Subtext" in List Filter and Grid View Workflow object configurations
- Standardise the Input File field parsing behaviour in the Text View and Grid View Workflow UI Objects, and the External Script option of Run Script and Script Filter
- These now all accept
in the file input field
- These now all accept
- Update any references of
for consistency throughout Alfred's Preferences - Update script-based Workflow object configuration sheets "Create" button greyout behaviour when using External Scripts, now matching the Workflow UI object configuration
- Add missing keyboard navigation to Workflow UI configuration sheets
- Update the Remote Trigger Workflow object argument config to match the Hotkey Trigger
- Improve Script Filter JSON parsing, now skips unexpected item type
General Improvements and Fixes
- The
commands now correctly respect the macOS "Reopen windows when logging back in" setting found when manually shutting down or restarting your Mac - It's now possible to copy the Alfred version number from the General and Update preferences
- Fix AirDrop capitalisation in Alfred's default results
- Improve accessibility of Alfred Preferences Workflow Gallery integration
- Update the Run NSAppleScript Remote action config message to match the Workflow object config message
- Update Subtitle to Subtext for consistency in Alfred's Remote Page configuration
- Remove the Alfred 5.5 banner from Alfred's preferences
- Remove historic Sonoma 14.0 rendering bug mitigations
- Instantiate spell checker on main thread to prevent rare hang when pasting define command immediately after startup
- Add tab autocomplete to calculations to resolve the answer into Alfred's input field
- Works similar to appending = to a calculation
- Updated messaging in Clipboard Viewer when there are no snippets, or no clipboard history, giving better context
- Prevent rare crash if inserting a hanging high surrogate into Alfred's text input box programatically
- Tweak to Music Mini Player AppleScript in resetting the Alfred playlist before populating
- Update Application cache to strip /System/Volumes/Data/ from Application path when on an external drive
- Update internal search
keyword to find the Large Type feature when typing "large type" with a space - Added additional data in File Search troubleshooting
Alfred 5.5.1
Build 2273, Friday 13th September 2024
macOS 15 Sequoia
- Alfred 5 officially supports macOS Sequoia
- Add macOS Sequoia Passwords app by default in Clipboard History
Workflow Improvements and Fixes
- Fix Workflow connection veto close correctly pasting when copying groups of objects
- Improve warnings for Number Slider configurable config when marker count is notable
- Fixed Grid View JSON Universal Action overrides, which also fixes correctly adding overridden items to the buffer
- Fix copying from Grid View when there is no search field visible
- Ignore empty paths passed into the Grid View workflow object
- When directly calling an input object with multiple keywords and Inbound Mode set to Keyword, use the first keyword
- Added a defaults write to change the font size of the workflow debugger ranged between 11 (default) and 24 (big)
defaults write com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-Preferences workflows.debuggerFontSize [size]
- Fix issue to refresh a workflow's compound variable cache after updating environment variables via AppleScript
- Fix Script Filter not showing Universal Actions panel when JSON
is empty,action
is populated- Improve handling of missing
in grid view when triggering Universal Actions
- Improve handling of missing
- Match Automation Task names non-sequentially in Workflow Palette search
- Tweak help subtext in various Workflow objects
- Tweak Workflow context popup menu to simplify some options
- Fix Workflow JSON Config editor to correctly show emoji characters in strings while retaining syntax highlighting
- Fix correctly following alternative connections configured as
in Workflow User Interface Views
General Improvements and Fixes
- Write localhash to prefs.json to aid in advanced workflow creation
- Updated Universal Actions file display name code to obtain display name immediately after rename
- Increase width of "Match Application's keywords in Default Results" checkbox in Application search options
- Modify Usage tab to bring "Copy Stats" button top the top level
- Fix Markdown Rendering of image widths when contained within a list
- Fix matching
?automation tasks
with a trailing s to open Automation Task Options - Update placeholder icons in theme editor to be more colourful
- Improve Terminal integration code, specifically for large inputs
- Update Twitter to X in default web search, while retaining 'twitter' as a secondary keyword
Alfred 5.5
Build 2257, Monday 18th March 2024
This is a absolutely huge and significant update!
Visit to see what's new and get some great workflows!
New Workflow UI Components for rich interaction with Alfred
- Grid View: With the new Grid View object, show results image and file results in a satisfyingly visual layout!
- Dynamically feed in a list of files from the previous workflow object or use JSON to script your input
- Customise the column count and image aspect
- Include an optional search field to filter the grid results
- Text View: A super flexible, editable Markdown and plain text view, expanding your Workflow abilities immensely. Take simple notes or create a fully interactive text editor!
- Populate results from a workflow object, a script for dynamic results or a file source
- Make the text selectable, or editable within Alfred, with optional continuous spell checking mode when editable
- Parse the results as Markdown: Include images, links, code blocks, lists, headers and more within your Markdown content
- Dynamically specify footer text and loading text, including hotkey modifier hints
- Image View: Browse images in a clean, automatically sized view within Alfred.
- Preview a single image from Alfred's results
- Preview multiple results with a pagination guide at the bottom and use the arrows to navigate
- Stack the view, so it's easy to go back to Alfred results with Esc
opens the current file in its default app- Use numbers
to maximise the window and⌘9
to Zoom to Fit
- PDF View: Browse your PDFs in Alfred
- Select and copy text from the PDF
- Change the page display via the right-click context menu to show a single page or double page side by side
- Navigate through your PDF, and zoom in and out using hotkeys
- Stack views on top of Alfred results to quickly go back to them with Esc
Universal Actions
- New "View in Alfred" Universal Action
- Takes advantage of rich new views to quickly view images, Markdown, text, pdfs
- use
to dynamically enlarge the content viewer - Multi select images, view them in Alfred, then use
to quickly switch between them
- Improve Workflow Universal Action integration
- Fix resolution of variables in keywords when matching Keyword and Script Filter actions in Universal Actions view
- New global option on canvas popup menu to toggle treating newly added Inputs and Script Filters as Universal Actions
- Update Recent Documents Universal Action to correctly load recents on macOS Sonoma
- Additionally add to the recent documents list from Alfred's internal knowledge
More Workflow Improvements
- Workflow Editor now resolves keyword variables on input objects
- Renders in italic to differentiate from fixed keywords
- Globally disabled and enabled in canvas popup menu options
- On running a Workflow, show clickable macOS Notification when Automation Tasks are missing
- Clicking the notification will open the "Update Automation Tasks" preferences sheet
- New Workflow JSON output key to cache script output for high performance
- Includes loose reload mode to show expired results while loading new results
- Cache is cleared for specific workflows on using 'reload workflow' AppleScript
- Added new "Unstack View" option to Hide Alfred workflow object
- Allows for graceful unstacking of stackable views such as the new Image View
- Added new Number Slider to Workflow user configuration options
- Configure for number range, visual markers and limiting markers (e.g. 10 steps)
- Automatically switches min / max if configured incorrectly
- Correctly return an error when calling a Workflow External Trigger externally, and the workflow needs user configuration
- Fix word truncation in title bar of Workflow debugger
- Fix Workflow window veto close logic when using result mod overrides, to prevent default connection veto from being used
- Holding ⌥ on the Workflow Gallery menu in the Workflow Editor will now give a "Fix Tools" option to fix broken Homebrew / Xcode instances
- Tweak Text Field behaviour in Workflow User Configuration for consistent behaviour
- Fix sizing of generated Workflow user config to match the preview size
- Fix initial field focus in Show Alfred Workflow object configuration
- Allow Automation Task framework more control over workflow stream on task error
General Improvements
- Add "View in Alfred" as new default result modifier action in Advanced prefs, uses new rich views
- Overhaul the top level window / view framework to allow for the dynamic heights and widths of the new Workflow UI Components
- Rewrite Alfred window location and sizing logic to better constrain to display height
- New custom Markdown renderer for Workflow "About" and Change Log
- Prevent text from slightly overflowing selection on right side of Alfred Window input fields in macOS 15+
- Accessibility
- Updated Large Type window to work correctly with VoiceOver
- Improved Dialog Conditional Workflow Object configuration VoiceOver
- Fixed System Command preferences to better read components
- Add new "?Add Default Search Scope" internal search
- Add + button for search scopes in File Filter workflow object
- Improve accessibility for Dispatch Key Combo object combo field
- Fix internal search to correctly return Workflow results when there is a manually edited invalid info.plist
- When deleting a workflow or snippet, the name is now shown in the confirmation dialog
- Update theme editor background to only show system backgrounds which are viewable
- Fix theme options position view from clipping tiny Alfred outside of the bounds
Alfred 5.1.4
Build 2195, Wednesday 25th October 2023
- macOS Sonoma
- Remove visual glitch mitigation and fixed window size option if using Sonoma 14.1 as FB13188204 is fixed
- Fix layout of initial Permission Request window, preventing truncated text on "Don't show again" checkbox
- Fix the File Action workflow trigger to strictly filter for the specified file types
- You'll now only see the trigger in Universal Actions if all given files satisfy the specified file types
- Tweak Powerpack preferences tab layout for visual clarity
- Update Workflow framework to tweak behaviour of nil arguments converted to argument arrays differently to improve Automation Task behaviour
- Added
to the workflow constants to provide the Workflow's description - Prevent unnecessary parameters from being saved in Workflow plist when they are no longer relevant
- Show current version in Update preferences when a new update is available
- Tweak wording for macOS metadata reindex button to "Rebuild macOS Metadata Index"
- Tweak Automation Tasks in workflow editor to prevent stacked event listeners
Alfred 5.1.3
Build 2175, Monday 25th September 2023
- macOS Sonoma
- Add certain temporary mitigations to a Sonoma visual glitch until workaround can be established, or Sonoma bug fixed (FB13188204)
- If you're experiencing rendering bugs in Alfred's default results, enable the "Default Results Fixed Size" in Alfred's General preferences
- Add additional countries to "Where are you" for website localisation
- Default to for Google searches, matching Safari's behaviour
- More reliably logged in to Google account when using Google related searches
- Added option in Alfred's General preferences to return to previous local domain behaviour
- Fix Workflow debugger crashing when attempting to post nil argument
- Update theme footer margin to be fixed at predictable 10px instead of using search field margin
- Using ⌘Esc within Alfred will now close Alfred regardless of stacked views
- e.g. if you've navigated from the default results to the Universal Actions view, ⌘Esc will hide Alfred instead of taking you back to the default results
- Tweak Alfred window and view automatic sizing calculation to better constrain to short screen resolutions
- Fix internal URL scheme to open workflows by both Workflow UID, falling back on to Workflow Bundle ID
- Move Universal Actions "No matching actions" to footer for more consistency with FS Navigation
- Remove superfluous characters from end of "Loading volumes, please" message
- Begin removal of Sonoma rendering bug mitigation code
- Update framework file picker to re-select file in popout Open dialog in e.g. User Config and File Picker
Alfred 5.1.2
Build 2145, Wednesday 2nd August 2023
- macOS Sonoma tweaks
- Tweak framework of file and app opening, fixing the opening of web pages saved as Web Apps
- The {snippet:...} placeholder is now processed in the Arg/Var, Large Type, and Write File Workflow objects
- As these 3 objects operate in plain text, rich text snippets will be converted to plain text
- Note: It's not recommended to use this placeholder if you intend to publish your workflows, as the snippet may not exist
- Add a new Script Type of
/bin/zsh --no-rcs
which gives a cleaner environment for running Workflows- This is the default script language for newly created Run Script and Script Filter objects
- Improve passive Gallery Workflow update checking
- Tweak and clarify wording on workflow message dialogs, e.g. Prefab dialog when no objects selected
Alfred 5.1.1
Build 2138, Tuesday 30th May 2023
- Improve VoiceOver in default results for files with differing filename and Display Name
- Tweak Preferences Snippet table sizing to prevent ... truncation in header
- Tweak Alfred Preferences update message when unable to connect to CDN to download update
- Tweak help subtext in Workflow File Filter and File Action Trigger configuration
- Tweak Checkbox label description for clarity in Workflow Configuration Builder
- Add 'Resolve Dependencies' and 'Automation Task Options' to the ? keyword internal search
- Update Amazon search url to latest format, and include additional country localised domains
- Add installed Automation Task version into exported diagnostics
- Remove outdated Permissions Enabled example in Permissions helper sheet
- Clarified help text in Dispatch Key Combo Workflow object
Alfred 5.1
Build 2134, Wednesday 26th April 2023
- Automation Tasks
- New Options sheet to configure and update tasks, available from Workflows > Alfred Gallery > Automation Task Options...
- Improvements to the Automation Task updater framework, including option to automatically keep tasks up to date
- Automation Tasks can now be added to the Workflow Palette
- Enable in the Automation Task Options sheet
- Once in the Palette, they can be searched and added to the workflow like native objects
- Framework has been updated to better support internal overridable query input, giving more native experience
- Alfred Gallery Improvements
- Updated Workflow Gallery icon hints in workflow list for clarity
- When checking for Gallery Workflow updates, Alfred will now alter the workflow list filter to ensure workflows needing updates are visible
- Added new option to sort workflow list by Gallery Updated which sorts by Gallery Updates > Gallery Workflows > Alphabetical
- Avoid crash in Alfred Preferences' Gallery updater when cancelling the update during the initialisation
- Added new Expression Utility workflow object
- Allows for easy variable and query expressions such as incrementing variables
- Updated Random Utility workflow object
- Add new option to get random word from a newline separated string
- Updated Reveal File in Finder Action workflow object
- Now correctly processes multiple passed-in paths, revealing all paths in Finder instead of only first path
- Accessibility Improvements
- Overhauled VoiceOver of workflow object configuration sheets: List Filter, File Filter, Script Filter, Dictionary Filter, Running Apps Filter
- Add + and - Buttons to the Hotkey Trigger Related Apps tab for improved Accessibility
- Improve Alfred Ubiquitous Search (? keyword) to include Workflow Configuration fields (by name or value), and environment variables
- Search will also now match variable names used in input object keyword fields
- Multiple keywords will also be matched if using the || modifier
- Updated Workflow Editor notification system, now made generic to allow for more than simple Alfred Gallery update notifications
- Now shows Automation Tasks update available
- Click to remove a visible notification
- Rename "User Configuration" to "Configuration Builder" in the workflow backend config, to better explain its purpose
- Strip irrelevant newlines from text fields in Workflow naming and export sheets when saving
- Remove automatic lowercasing of keywords fields in input objects on saving, allowing for case-sensitive variable names
- Tweak wording in Workflow Dependencies Management for clarity
- Fix incorrect component resizing when selecting "Reset to Defaults" in workflow configuration
- Fix text truncation when workflow configuration checkbox text is too long
- Tweak Script Filter config UI layout to better vertical align components
- System Command workflow object Eject All action updated to use Alfred's new eject framework
- Added option to reload workflow on popup in preferences workflow list, useful for when e.g. a symlinked workflow isn't automatically reloading on external edit
- Added new Alfred AppleScript command to reveal a Workflow via UID or Bundle Id, and optionally show the Workflow's User Configuration
- The Script Filter JSON
property now correctly overridesarg
when adding a result to the buffer - Update built-in Script Filter getting started workflow with improved descriptions and notes
- The Script Filter keyword is now set as environment alfred_workflow_keyword on running a script to complement || multiple keywords
- The Workflow Editor now writes a sorted history of selected workflow UIDs to history.json in Alfred's application support folder, ordered latest selected workflow first
- Prefabs with a single item now correctly open the workflow configuration when the option to "Show Configuration Sheet for Newly Added Objects" is selected
- Fix dragging Safari into Hotkey Trigger object configuration > Related Apps
- Gracefully truncate Workflow name and description in Workflow Editor header and Import sheet
Clipboard and Snippets
- Added the ability to QuickLook Alfred's Clipboard History
- Select the item in the history and tap ⇧ or press ⌘Y
- Works with text, images and single files
- Added new option to convert image data to PNG on pasting
- Will result in smaller data output, but may result in loss of colour accuracy or compatibility
- Added ⌘O to directly open Files and URLs from the Clipboard History list
- The snippet's keyword is now shown in the default results when using the snip keyword
- This can be disabled in Alfred's Snippet preferences
- Show correct default Snippet Collection icon when searching with ? keyword
- Update clipboard image import to use NSPasteboardTypeTIFF (public.tiff) in place of deprecated NSTIFFPboardType (NeXT TIFF v4.0 pasteboard type)
- Clarify the Powerpack activation UI, adding spacing and a title label
- Update Apple Maps search icon to match current version
- Update the 1Password feature preferences to link to the Alfred Gallery 1Password workflow
- Tweak file application cache to be more accommodating of alternative unicode spaces
- Change Alfred Preferences title bar error messages colour to system red to make it easier to see in dark mode
- Update build environment and targets
- Significant code review and refinements, removing deprecated code, adding future-proofing
- Update mechanisms used for discovering ejectable volumes
- Ejectable volumes are now discovered off of the main thread to avoid potential UI pauses
- Eject and Eject All commands now have a placeholder result when loading mounted drives, or if no mounts exist to eject
- Use new eject framework to discover removable drives to be used in the Copy to... / Move to... Universal Actions
- Removed deprecated Alfred 2 theme importing
- Migrate URL discovery and testing methods in Custom Web Search feature to update framework
- Markdown rendering improvements
- Fix horizontal rule rendering in markdown when using macOS Ventura
- Fix incorrect interpretation of URLs within brackets
- Update URLs to use URL string when title is empty
- Fix 'bing' title to 'Bing' in default web searches, and updated to the latest Bing logo
- Update ebay default web search icon
- Rewrite keyword matching framework for higher performance and new features
- Multiple keywords can now be specified in features and workflows by using the || separator
- Update auto-completion logic to only complete the keyword if the expected argument type is none
- Add back notes in the Contacts viewer using new authorised provisioning profile
- Tweak internal vector icon rendering to fix incorrect drop shadows, and increase performance
- Update the copied argument when using the ? keyword to prepend navigateto/ which makes for a valid URL scheme on Ventura
- Add additional
keyword to show Alfred's Preferences
Alfred 5.0.6
Build 2110, Tuesday 13th December 2022
- Alfred Gallery Early Access
- Browse Workflows on our new Workflow Gallery at
- Almost 100 workflows already added, and hundreds more already in review to be added over the Early Access period
- Install workflows directly into Alfred using the "Install in Alfred" button in the gallery
- Keep Gallery workflows updated to their latest versions from directly within Alfred's Preferences
- Manage Homebrew dependencies for Gallery workflows automatically using the new Resolve Dependencies feature
- Browse Workflows on our new Workflow Gallery at
- Overhauled the macOS Reindexing sheet and underlying framework
- Add Voice Over accessibility to Contacts Viewer
- Remove unused Show button from Alfred's macOS Notification
- It's now possible to hide individual default actions from the default view in the Workflow Editor when no Workflow is selected
- Right-click in the view and select the action you would like to hide
- Improve AppleScript behaviour for updating and removing workflow configuration
- Fixes bug where prefs.plist wouldn't be written under certain circumstances
- Replace out some legacy Workflow icons with updated icons
- Update Remote template icons to use updated Workflow icons
- Strip kbd tags in markdown interpretation
- Improve underlying view layout calculation of Workflow user configuration
- Clear the icon cache for a Workflow when updating or reinstalling the workflow
- Fix incorrectly caching Alfred theme when directly accessing feature views after a macOS dark mode toggle
- Added option to ignore Universal Clipboard file lists in the clipboard history
Alfred 5.0.5
Build 2096, Thursday 3rd November 2022
- Date placeholder rollbacks and enhancements
- Roll back 5.0.4 POSIX formatting fix, as this turned out to break language settings for formatted dates
- Fix 24h custom date formatting with the following:
- Add new
placeholders which fix locale to POSIX and conform to ISO 8601 - Using
will give 24h fixed ISO 8601 formatyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZZZZZ
- Updated template for sortable date time placeholder template to use iso formatting, to fix in 24h
- Added new Date and Time ISO 8601 placeholder template
- Add new
Alfred 5.0.4
Build 2095, Tuesday 1st November 2022
- macOS Ventura Tweaks
- Clean up search result subtext for apps in the Cryptexes folder
- Pre-cache Safari's updated location
- Workflow Tweaks
- Workflow user configuration values can now be set and removed via AppleScript
- Add "Configure..." item on Workflow list popup menu, and clarify button text to "Configure Workflow..." in Workflow editor header
- Add : label suffixes in Workflow user configuration back end items
- Update placeholder dates to use POSIX fixed formatting for user defined formats
- Fix List Filter object configuration sheet resizing
- Clean up the AppleScript dictionary definition descriptions
- Correctly open Aliased packages and apps from the File System Navigation
- Improvements to file search scoping and troubleshooting
- Added additional options to the search scope Reset... button
- Reset to Applications and Home - This enables Applications, disables Folders in Home, and adds ~ along with a few more relevant folders
- Reset to Full Disk - This disables Applications and Folders in Home, and adds /
- Improve home folder discovery when Folders in Home is selected, rejecting more potentially irrelevant folders
- Alter home folder location detection, and add redundancy check
- Default to adding ~ to scope if unable to detect home folders
- File Search Troubleshooting
- Add more details to the file readability step
- Add 3 actual MDQuery searches for the file based on defined scope, home and all
- Add progress indicator, as MDQuery may not return instantly
- Added additional options to the search scope Reset... button
Alfred 5.0.3
Build 2087, Tuesday 11th October 2022
- macOS Ventura Preparation
- Update build environment
- Update Alfred's build target version, and remove deprecated API calls
- Remove legacy text rendering (some custom themes may need tweaks)
- Tweaks to Mini Player AppleScript to fix certain tracks from not playing
- Tweaks to labels and descriptions in Features preferences
- Workflow User Configuration updates
- Add "Default Value" for Popup configuration item
- Update File Picker to have user editable field which also accepts e.g.
- Added a placeholder configuration field to the File Picker
- Performance tweaks to image caching
- Tweaks to background local IP lookup for the Alfred Remote preferences
Alfred 5.0.2
Build 2073, Monday 29th August 2022
- Prepare for updated v5 Corporate Powerpack activation
- Hide folder's Icon file from navigation to match Finder behaviour
- If required, this can be brought back using
defaults write com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred fsShowFolderIconFiles 1
- If required, this can be brought back using
- Palette improvements
- Favourited Workflow palette items are now prioritised above non-favourited items in the palette search
- Add "Filter" to "Running Apps" object in palette for consistency
- Write File Workflow output object improvements
- Add "Prepend" option to file writing
- Add option to write relative file to workflow's cache folder
- Improve accessibility descriptions and tabbing order
- Remove /System/Volumes/Data/ from path subtext for file searches (default search and custom workflow file filters)
- Warn in workflow User Configuration when there are duplicate Environment Variable keys
- Add "Open Editor Shortcuts Help" to Workflow canvas popup menu
- Opens useful guide and cheatsheet for operating the canvas effectively using the keyboard
- Add
shortcut to Workflow editor to match⇧⌥click
behaviour of connecting but not moving the selection - Update Custom Search configuration test button to match encoding behaviour of resulting Custom Search
- Update
placeholder to better conform to{placeholder:variation.modifiers}
is now the recommended syntax{clipboard:lowercase}
still works for backwards compatibility
- Fix the help link on the Workflow Dialog Conditional object
- Improve URL syntax parsing for Workflow markdown
- Now also makes plain URLs clickable
- Workflow Export dialog
- Improve accessibility of fields and responder order
- Tweak help subtext on Workflow export dialog
- Update Workflow Replace utility to pre-process newlines and tabs in RegEx replacement template
Alfred 5.0.1
Build 2067, Wednesday 27th July 2022
- Improvements
- Additions to Split Arg utility object
- Added new "Discard empty items" option
- Improved VoiceOver and keyboard navigation
- Improve Automation Task Workflow debug output to show which task is being run
- Workflow markdown interpretation now also accepts both star and plus for unordered lists
- Update the Workflow Prefab icon to better visually differentiate it in the Palette search
- Improve experience on creating scripts via the Workflow Run Script / Script Filter "Create File" button
- When no file extension is given to the file name, open the file in the default text editor
- Warn when there are duplicate variable names used between Environment Variables and User Configuration in the Workflow Configuration
- Palette search now also matches when not using spaces, e.g. "openurl" will now show "Open URL" in the results
- Workflow JSON overrides for certain objects improved
- Debug utility now allows override of processing outputs, and clear debug text
- Speak output now allows override of using VoiceOver
- Split Arg now allows override of output mode
- Browse in Alfred now allows override of sorting and stacking
- Additions to Split Arg utility object
- Minor fixes and tweaks
- Clear workflow's constants cache on committing an edit to a workflow
- Fix spelling in Workflow Prefab dialog 'cavnas' to 'canvas'
- Fix spelling in Workflow Debug sheet 'do' to 'to'
- Fix button text colour for Workflow Getting Started Follow-Along guide when using macOS Light Mode
- Fix scrollbar behaviour in Workflow Configuration > User Configuration sheet when macOS scrollbars set to Always
- Add a warning dialog at startup if user doesn't meet minimum macOS 10.14 requirement
- Fix correctly saving object configuration when using Run Script or Script Filter set to "External Script" then selecting "Create File" button
- Remove / from the {query} and {var} URL encoded character list to make encoding options more forgiving
- Make additional tweaks to new URL encoding algorithm to better work with unicode
- Update Share Usage link URLs in Alfred Preference's Usage tab to use newer twitter URLs
- Fix scroll view content sizing in Configurable Config Text Area fields
- Fix scrollbars on Workflow User Configuration and Automation Task sheets when scrollbars set to always
- Tweak size of the Workflow Config backend shared "description" field to better vertically fit text
- Update info and error label colours in Workflow Delay utility object config to be dark mode compatible
- Fix sizing of Prefab and Favourite sections of the palette to properly fit text when no items are added
Alfred 5.0
Build 2057, Wednesday 13th July 2022
- Brand new Workflow Editor
- Completely rewritten from the ground up to put accessibility and performance first
- New palette for more efficient workflow creation
- Drag and drop to add items to the canvas
- Normal and compact mode, and easily expand and collapse sections
- Favourites section to host your most used workflow objects
- Preconfigured objects, or groups of objects, can be stored in the palette as Prefabs for faster workflow creation
- New Workflow landing screen when no workflows are selected, with handy shortcuts
- New Getting Started guide
- Walks new users through the various aspects of workflow development
- Interactive Getting Started section in the palette, with prefabs to drag and connect
- New configurable "User Configuration" for workflows
- Add simple user-facing preferences to your workflows, making them easier for users to install and set-up
- Recognisable controls such as Text fields, check boxes, picker boxes and more
- Option for required fields which are highlighted with orange
- Assign variable names and default values to each item which are then available throughout your workflow
- Configuration shown on importing or upgrading a workflow
- Quickly access a workflow's configuration from within the editor using the Configure Workflow button, or ⌘,
- Keyboard navigation around workflow objects
- Use ⌘ arrows to select objects around the canvas
- Use ⌘⌥ left / right to navigate along connection streams
- Use ⌘⌥ up / down to navigate to connected siblings
- When no objects are selected, arrow keys will navigate the scroll area (⇧ arrows for larger steps)
- Improved view focusing progression during actions, making keyboard navigation more predictable
- New Workflow object icons to clarify workflow development
- Individual connections can now be disabled, allowing for easier workflow development and testing
- Efficient automatic workflow object connection with the ⌥ key
- When dragging items from the palette or using the palette search, hold ⌥ to automatically connect to selected items
- Select an item, hold ⌥ and click items to chain connect the items in order
- Select one or more items, hold ⇧⌥ and click items to connect items to the first selected items
- When dragging a new connection to an empty space on the canvas, you can now scroll from the edges of the canvas to create more space
- Improvements to snapping and sizing to allow for better horizontal alignment
- Notes are now intrinsically rendered as part of the object, so they don't get rendered behind other objects
- Improved connection path detection, including recognising clicking the alternative path indicator
- Improved rendering quality when zooming a canvas
- Added alignment options for selected objects, both horizontally and vertically centred or referenced around clicked object
- New Inbound Configuration option to modify the incoming argument before it's used
- Updated indicator on workflow object input in editor when argument is being modified
- The workflow list is now resizable
- Hotkey Trigger highlight colour now differentiates when sharing combo with disabled workflows
- Related hotkeys on canvas popup menu also show when the related hotkey is within a disabled workflow
- Contextual help for workflow objects can now be found in more places
- It is now possible to edit a Workflow object note by double clicking it
- The "About Workflow" now supports a subset of Markdown
- Add pretty introductions and help to your workflows, including images from the workflow's folder
- Currently supported: Headers, italic, bold, unordered lists, inline code, separator, local image, links
- New Workflow debugger
- Debugger is now available at the top level of the Workflow preferences, without the need to select a workflow
- Created new Automations object category
- Moved Music and System Commands into Automations
- Snippet Triggers can now optionally be shown in the Clipboard History / Snippets Viewer
- This is a global option available within the Snippet Trigger object configuration
- External Trigger updated to optionally enable running of triggers via URL Scheme
- Example shown in object configuration
- Updated Conditional Utility object
- Added cases for evaluating boolean true and false
- Added option to hide the "Else" fallback condition
- Script Filter
- Added new
boolean field to the top level JSON- Allows for fixed order result sets while maintaining result UIDs (for item re-selection on reload)
- Added new
- Rename
utility toFile Conditional
to better represent its purpose - Rename
Split Arg to Vars
toSplit Arg
and add option to output as a list of arguments instead of variables- Added convenient popup button for default delimiters e.g. comma, tab, new line
- Add new
Run Shortcut
automation object- Run macOS 12+ specified shortcuts from within your workflow
- Specify input as
- Choose to ignore Shortcut output and continue, or wait for Shortcut and use its output
- Add new
Join Arg
utility object- Converts multiple input arguments into a single output argument with specified join character
- Useful with supporting some Automation Tasks
- Add new Running Apps workflow input filter object
- Select output from Bundle ID, Path, or Process ID
- Add optional result title prefix as a hint to the action
- Add new Dialog Conditional utility object
- Present a macOS System dialog to the user
- Configure title, description and up to 3 available buttons
- Multiple outputs, allowing different path based on button pressed
- Add new Speak output object
- Speaks configured or passed-in text
- Stripped back run script environment to ensure external variables don't pollute Alfred's script environment
- Update default run script environment path to
- Update default run script environment path to
- Python 3 has now been added to the default script selection
- Note that if Python 3 hasn't already been installed via e.g. Homebrew, this may trigger the Xcode command line tools install
- Update the default selected script type for Run Script and Script Filter to zsh instead of bash
- New word matching framework
- Improves boundary matching beyond whitespace
- New "Word based - sequential" matching option available in Script Filter when selecting "Alfred filters results"
- List Filter now shares the same matching options available in the Script Filter
has now been added to the selectable language types in Run Script and Script Filter- Prevent clicking through on an unpopulated website in the workflow importer and exporter
- Improvements to the
system throughout Workflows- The
placeholder will now process placeholder modifiers, e.g.{query.lowercase.trim}
- Allows for faster workflow development with fewer utility objects
- Access constants, previously only available to Run Script and Script Filter, using
, e.g.{const:alfred_workflow_version}
- Use
in the Debug Utility to view all constants for a workflow within the workflow debugger - Improve script runtime handler to prevent user-overridden Alfred constants
- Use
- Debug Utility now uses
to dump all variables, however{allvars}
will still be recognised for backwards compatibility.
- The
- When duplicating a symlinked workflow, fully resolve the symlinked path so the workflow is correctly duplicated
- Alfred now uses the Modern and Modern Dark as the default themes
- Roll out enhanced URL handler throughout Alfred allowing for more flexible URL recognition and handling
- Remove deprecated UTF-8 option from custom web searches, make all searches UTF-8
- Improve Alfred text view undo algorithm to break coalescing on non-alphanumeric breaks instead of timing
- Add custom Alfred accent colour to Preferences UI, for improved experience on Big Sur+
- Improved icon rendering across the board
- Larger hit zones for buttons at the bottom of the Workflows, Themes and Remote Pages lists
- Improved macOS Colour palette behaviour in theme editor when changing colour options
- Improvements to Ubiquitous Internal Preferences Search, ? keyword within Alfred
- Add new blank workflows using
?add workflow
- Add new blank workflows using
- New option to allow resetting of colour, size and font in rich text
- Useful for creating formatted snippets which are dark mode compatible
- Option also added to Copy to Clipboard Workflow object
- Separate icons for Snippets and Snippet Collections for UI clarity
- Enable drag and drop of snippets between collections in the preferences
- Fix disabled collection colour in preferences dark mode
Universal Actions
- Reveal in Finder Universal Action now works with multiple file selections
- Alfred 5 brings a big overhaul in Accessibility, and marks the start of an ongoing process to refine and improve every aspect of Alfred 5
- When searching in Alfred using the ? keyword, or using the Alfred Preferences search, workflows are now correctly focused when searched for and actioned
Changes made during the Alfred 5 Early Access
Alfred 5.0 GM1
Build 2057, Wednesday 13th July 2022
- A few further tweaks to URL processing
- Preparation for General Release, removing Early Access banner from prefs
Alfred 5.0 EA11
Build 2053, Tuesday 12th July 2022
- Fix Early Access regression in URL query argument handling throughout Alfred
- Open URL workflow object
- Improve flexibility of URL placeholder handling by offering two new options to Encode {query} and Encode {var:}
- These are checked by default, and are best left checked under normal use of this object
- When unchecked, options are passed to the URL processor unchanged, giving developer control over encoding
- Overhaul Accessibility for the Open URL object, with correct tab focus ordering, and better VoiceOver descriptions
- Improve flexibility of URL placeholder handling by offering two new options to Encode {query} and Encode {var:}
Alfred 5.0 RC1
Build 2050, Monday 11th July 2022
- Run Shortcut Workflow Automation Action
- Update underlying shortcut execution from using 'shortcuts' command line tool to calling AppleScript 'Shortcut Events' instead
- Fixes issue where passed file paths were copied to macOS temporary folder so couldn't be operated on
- Update shortcuts logic to fall back to No Input when overriding JSON with an out of range value input mode value
- Update underlying shortcut execution from using 'shortcuts' command line tool to calling AppleScript 'Shortcut Events' instead
- Fix layout on resizing Workflow configuration sheet environment variables tab
- Workflow Debugger log messages output from the Debug workflow object now show as system yellow in the debugger to better stand out
- Update iTunes to Music in Mini Player volume commands
- Update default "Search in Finder" fallback to show correct Finder subtext in Alfred's results
- General Release preparations
- Remove EA from bundle version number (Preferences are still in Early Access mode)
- Improve Alfred Preferences Powerpack tab and activation process
- Remove Powerpack requirement from using Early Access build
- Tweaks to the Onboarding / Welcome process
Alfred 5.0 EA10
- Accessibility
- Add + and - buttons to Launch Apps / Files Workflow Object configuration sheet to make more accessible
- Improve memory efficiency of Automation Tasks when running internal scripts
- Run Shortcut Workflow Automation Action
- Add (default) input option to ignore passed argument
- This prevents certain Shortcut app scripts from failing due to an unexpected input being passed
- Improve task caching to better respect overridden options
- Stop workflow when the Shortcut action errors, shown in the Workflow debugger
- Add (default) input option to ignore passed argument
Alfred 5.0 EA9
- Accessibility
- Improve the Alfred Preference's Music Feature VoiceOver descriptions
- More label changes in Preferences from iTunes to Music
- Update Automation Task workflow object to respect Task UID configuration override (e.g. using the JSON Config utility object)
- Workflow Shortcuts Automation action
- Stop workflow stream if no Shortcut selected, or there is a Shortcut error
- Enable Workflow object configuration overrides
- Add System Bold to the available standard fonts in Alfred's theme editor
Alfred 5.0 EA8
- Accessibility
- Improve VoiceOver of selected workflow object in canvas
- Now reads additional visual information on the object such as the defined keyword for a Keyword Input
- Reads the attached canvas note for the object
- Reads defined hotkey value
- Remove macOS Bug workaround which verbally changed modifier keys to text in Hotkey View accessibility
- Fix prevents double reading of mod keys, please let me know if you don't hear the mod keys anymore
- Improve VoiceOver of selected workflow object in canvas
- Update Automation Task workflow object to respect config overrides (e.g. using the JSON Config utility object)
- Automation Task Updater improvements
- Configured Automation Tasks with a missing underlying Task now show as red in canvas
- Tasks will automatically reconfigure themselves once updated tasks are installed, and canvas update
- Improve robustness of workflow array stream processing to ensure non-strings are correctly processed by objects
- Workflow Configuration Sheet (the sheet under the [x] button)
- Update the help button link location to a more suitable page
- Make the user config preview sheet width better match the live sheet to aid text decisions
- Update the default Mini Player keyword to "music", because apparently leaving it as "itunes" wasn't being retro-funny ;)
Alfred 5.0 EA7
- Workflow Canvas and Accessibility
- Update Speech Workflow output object with option to automatically use VoiceOver for output
- Enabled by default for newly added objects, falls back to using macOS Speech Synthesiser
- Added
to automatically connect while navigating in the canvas- The "next selected object" for connection uses the same logic as using
- The "next selected object" for connection uses the same logic as using
- Added
to remove connections to and from the selected object(s) - Added
to show the popup menu for the selected object(s)
- Update Speech Workflow output object with option to automatically use VoiceOver for output
- Automation Tasks
- Add the initial Automation Task update mechanism, currently available from within the Workflow Automation Task object
- Downloads and installs (or reinstalls) the Automation Tasks from our official repository
- Additional changes are coming here before General Release
- Update the task argument validation to discard irrelevant arguments being passed in, and then check the Task expected input count on the remaining items
- Allows for much more flexibility when adding Automation Task objects throughout a workflow
- Add additional debugging output in the Workflow debugger to show which arguments are being used, and which have been discarded
- Add the initial Automation Task update mechanism, currently available from within the Workflow Automation Task object
- Fixed the help button link location in the Workflow configuration (the sheet under the [x] button)
- Loosen the URL validation within the Open URL Workflow Object configuration, now allowing for e.g.
- Prevent non-configured Workflow Snippet Triggers from showing in the Snippet Viewer
- Pass .icloud files to Finder for opening, which will instigate a download and open of these files
- Prevent Workflow and Automation Task auto-generated configuration text fields from incorrectly wrapping with long text
- Added + and - buttons to the Clipboard History App Ignore list in Alfred's Preferences to improve accessibility
- Added links to follow-along counterpart webpages for the Workflow getting started guides
Alfred 5.0 EA6
- Open URL workflow object
- Updated to now recognise multiple input arguments, and process defined URL for each argument
- Improves flexibility when used in combination with new and updated workflow objects, including the Automation Task object
- Workflow User Configuration Backend
- Add new option to Copy an entire item (on item's popup menu), and paste it as new (from + button)
- Make Workflow user configuration backend subtext descriptions non-selectable
- Workflow readme markdown improvements
- Improve link detection, and remove Open URL confirmation check
- Fix markdown syntax, now using asterisks for bold, italic, and bold italic
- Fix accessibility label in Features > General prefs for Remove Scope Folder button
- Fix logic in Running Apps filter to prevent over-caching
- Fixes issue with Quit keyword showing irrelevant items
Alfred 5.0 EA5
- Add ⌘K as shortcut to clear the Workflow Editor debugger
- Update Workflow preferences Workflow filter to be aware of non-strings when filtering
- macOS Ventura compatibility improvements
Alfred 5.0 EA4
- Tweak canvas overlay
- Move down on the canvas, and make slightly smaller
- Swap Apple mouse emoji for the word "Click"
- Add a close button to the top right
- Put focus back into palette search field when clicking a search result
- Improve the Powerpack tab layout (this will change before general release)
- Update various text throughout Alfred's preferences
- Improve the Learn More Prefab which is part of the 5th Workflow Getting Started guide
Alfred 5.0 EA3
- Fix the palette guide height calculations when macOS Scrollbars are set to "Always"
- Spell check the change log and fix speeling mistakes ;)
- Add hyperlinks to workflow readme markdown (shows URL when clicking to confirm opening)
- Add a message within the Automation Tasks workflow configuration linking to early access workflow (currently not online)
- Add new canvas overlay to help discover some of the new keyboard shortcuts
- Can be hidden from canvas popup menu, under the options submenu
- Tweak canvas background opacity by a fraction to work around odd Monterey flicker
Alfred 5.0 EA2
- Fix spelling in onboarding from Actiavted to Activated
- Fix
replacement in Dialog Conditional - Tweak font attributes in Workflow guides
- Prevent crash when using the Dialog Conditional and editing workflow while dialog visible
- When duplicating a symlinked workflow, correctly duplicate workflow instead of doing nothing
- Remove a couple of erroneous NSLogs which were in for development
- Remove the Skip Onboarding preference value when showing "Beta Requires Powerpack" to prevent loop
- Update "Buy or Upgrade" and "Upgrade" button links to point to early access store (currently not online)
- Fix missing Join Arguments icon in palette when in compact mode
- Always show the Dialog Conditional in front of Alfred's window
- Add workflow debug output if Dialog Conditional doesn't show due to missing configuration
- Add border around Dialog Conditional in canvas to differentiate from standard Conditional
- Fiddle with the palette re-layout when using macOS Scrollbars are set to "Always"