Alfred 2 Change Log
The Change Log covers all changes including Powerpack-only features for Alfred 2. Why not look at the newer Alfred 3 Change Log instead!
2.9 27th May 2017
- Another small tweak to LinkedIn default web search
2.8.9 24th May 2017
- Launch default result files and file system navigation files in background, avoiding macOS front most modal dialog issues for new apps
- Fix LinkedIn search, make Wolfram and Rotten Tomatoes searches aware of https
- Provide v3 upgrade link in Powerpack tab
- Updated toolchain and build environment to Xcode 8
- Signed with updated Apple Developer ID certificate
- Merge across select memory usage refinements from Alfred 3
2.8.8 23rd Jan 2017
- Updated default LinkedIn, Wunderground, Google Drive, Amazon web search to latest URL
- Updated a number of default web searches to use + instead of %20 space search queries
- Added helper message when attempting to activate Alfred 2 with Alfred 3 license
2.8.7 23rd Nov 2016
- Compatibility improvements
2.8.6 15th Jul 2016
- Preparation for MacOS Sierra 10.12
- Improved compatibility with App Translocation
2.8.5 9th Jun 2016
- Banner in preferences announcing Alfred 3 is now available (can be hidden)
- Compatibility enhancements
2.8.4 29th Apr 2016
- Add in some compatibility enhancements in preparation for Alfred 3 release
- Fix URL decoding of imported custom searches
- When running scripts read stderr to end of file to ensure full text for debugging
- Update some URL links so they launch directly without redirects
2.8.3 10th Mar 2016
- Maintenance release with a few little under the hood enhancements
- Fix iTunes Mini Player non-functional path when "hide mini player after selecting" is unselected
- Fix graphical glitch in Terminal prefs when switching from "Custom" to "Terminal"
- Fix "Search in Spotlight" mod action silently failing with multiple words for fallback searches
- Fix when viewing snippets in clipboard viewer, the preview subtext doesn't update on changing selection
2.8.2 12th Jan 2016
- 1Password compatibility improvements
- Set default scheme on a 1Password bookmark if missing
- Show 1Password data path in Alfred's advanced preferences when discovering data automatically
- Fully encode the exported URL from Alfred's custom search instead of being aware of odd custom search URLs on import
- Fix only listing matching default scope folders in Alfred's results if they actually exist
- Fix crash when closing workflow related remote page configuration
- Fix "search in spotlight" alt action when the keyword length is less than the query length
- Remove ATS TLS 1.0 exception for CacheFly connection, as the CDN is now capable of TLS 1.2
2.8.1 18st Nov 2015
- Add in "System Light" font for OS X 10.10+
- Disallow font tightening before truncation which gives poor font rendering in 10.11+
- Fix support for OS X application recent documents in 10.11
- Add OS X 10.11 App Transport Security temporary exemption to allow workflows to connect to non secure and TLS 1.0 sites
- Fix quirk in selection lists (e.g. clipboard history) when deleting from bottom of list
- Make Alfred's contact viewer date formatting correctly handle birthdays without a year
- Fix Google search icon pixelation
- Standardise "Search with Spotlight" alternative action behaviour for different result types, now always searching for typed query argument
- Resize some of the label areas in the advanced preferences to make sure the text always fits
- Updated tool chain, and static link latest OpenSSL
- Tweaks to the theme importer sheet for robustness
- Better filtering on unwanted iTunes track types / playlists in mini player
2.8 21st Sep 2015
- JavaScript is now available as a scripting language within Alfred Workflows (OS X 10.10+, using osascript)
- Update hotkey scope internal notifications to work with new Alfred focus subsystem when focused app is set to Alfred
- Improve reliability to the new focus setup in Alfred, falling back on being an active window in unable to take non-active key status
- Add "compatibility" mode in Alfred's Appearance options, useful if you use Alfred along side Java or with keyboard remappers
- Remove email validation REGEX from Alfred's General prefs sign-up form, as Campaign Monitor does validation on submission
- Large Type view updated to use the OS X System font
- Google search icons updated
2.7.2 1st Sep 2015
- Significantly improve Alfred's focusing behaviour, not taking active from the currently focused app. This improves a number of things including clipboard history paste behaviour with a multi screen setup.
- Bring the Alfred window forward in the window hierarchy
- Ability to manually add and edit UTIs in the Features > Default Results > Advanced preferences and Workflow File Filter input configuration
- Replace iTerm integration with custom integrations, and update help page to link to updated custom iTerm scripts
- Updated icons / favicons for built in web searches
- Add option for custom URL handler to open selected contact in user defined app
- Improved logic for auto-discovery of 1Password bookmarks-default.json 3rd party integration
- Add new Apple SF fonts (Text / Display) to theming if available on Mac
- Update all internal * URLs to new site URLs, also use https by default for these sites
- Update Alfred's help keyword to use new website search with https
- Do some validation on workflow bundle IDs, and warn (orange text) if it contains characters other than [a-zA-Z0-9._-]
- Recognition of Japanese ideographic [full width] space character as keyword 'with space' separator
- Improve the 'define' and 'spell' keywords, giving more accurate results and reducing duplicates. Also, consistently make 'define' always show typed word as first result regardless of correctness (as Dictionary may have an answer which Alfred doesn't, e.g. Wikipedia)
- Fix the result order for spell and define to keep the results more relevant (rather than order based on usage)
- Default to Alfred Yosemite theme if no theme is selected
- Add a "Copy Paths to Clipboard" action for multiple [buffer] items
- Update General preferences signup form to use updated Campaign Monitor signup url
- Prepare for moving the Alfred Remote System Command confirmations to iOS (as double tap) instead of Mac (alert dialog)
- Switch to using Alfred's file cache for the "Open With..." action, allowing for faster results and respecting fuzzy settings
- Fix crash in Alfred when using Alfred's hotkey to hide Alfred and Quick Look is showing
- Remove irrelevant items from the iTunes Mini Player such as apps (issue introduced around iTunes 12)
- Remove iTunes store link from within mini player
- Prevent truncation of labels in Run Terminal Command sheet
- Fix File Buffer Compatibility toggle for 'Remove All' via shift+alt+backspace
- Prevent silent exception in selection list (e.g. actions) when trying to action an item if there is no visible rows
- Truncate tail for clipboard history items instead of truncate middle (introduced with filenames)
- Fix the iTunes previous / next actions and track display for Apple Music
- Update email signup REGEX to accept new TLDs
2.7.1 15th Apr 2015
Fixes and Improvements
- Sorting and Searching of URLs in Alfred's URL History preferences, making it easier to find items to delete
- Reorganise spelling feature to allow for cmd+o to open the 'spell' keyword results in Dictionary
- Back out "LC_CTYPE=UTF-8 encoding to script environment" as it was causing some Workflow issues
2.7 13th Apr 2015
Alfred Remote Improvements
- Add key combo dispatching to Remote (no longer need to use AppleScript)
- Added OS X Preference Panels to the Remote Items [+] popup for adding (also tidy up framework for adding items)
- Option to "Hide from this Mac" for Remote pages, to hide pages not relevant to that specific Mac
- Dragging Remote page items now allows for dragging over existing items, allowing DnD within a full page
- Add Remote Server keywords for stop, restart in Alfred's results
- New Menu item to "Reset Icon and Label" for Remote page items both on single items and all items in a page
- Use correct display name in Remote page examples rather than filename
- More robust image caching / refreshing for Remote page prefs
- Truncate head on path text for Alfred Remote launch file action
- Change "Looking for iOS Remote" to "Waiting for iOS Remote" along with further description in Add iOS Remote sheet for more obvious UX
- Update Remote naming convention to match Workflow actions
- More reliable mod key simulated release / key combo dispatching release
Workflow Improvements
- Run Script actions and outputs can now run concurrently, new option in workflow object prefs
- Sensible defaults for script {query} escaping and default query assignment examples
- Add arbitrary query limits to certain internal workflows to prevent bloating
- Add "Delete" item in popup menu on workflow canvas for deleting objects
- Improve accuracy of key speed record, it now also counts deletes back to scratch
- Track keyboard layout changes for Alfred dispatched keycodes, making commands more reliable
- Add LC_CTYPE=UTF-8 encoding to script environment
- Add PYTHONIOENCODING=utf-8 environment variable for Python scripts
Fixes and Improvements
- Ensure that homebrew folders are added to new installs of Alfred
- Less intrusive update notification, now displayed as a small tab to the bottom left of Alfred window rather than old modal dialog
- Bring the Alfred window in front of modal dialogs
- Fix the clipboard history ignore apps table (remove non-editable editable field)
- Update text in file search prefs Applescripts to AppleScripts
- When tab is selected to show actions for the selected result, backtab (shift+tab) now auto-completes the selected result.
- Respect alfred:ignore if set as a tag in OS X (currently only works a Spotlight Comment)
- Clarify appearance "default screen" text to reflect actual behaviour (Alfred shows on the screen you drag him to)
- Don't trim the string in the "Copy to Clipboard" output workflow object
- Centre truncate result titles and filesystem navigation results which is more useful for long filenames
- Correctly show Scientific Notation in calculator if answer over 15 digits
2.6 27th Jan 2015
Alfred Remote for iOS
- Alfred Remote is your personal command centre for Alfred 2 for Mac. Your iPhone or iPad now becomes a perfect day-long companion to your Mac; Whether at work or play, be more productive than ever!
New Features
- New Script Filter runtime behaviour options giving more control over when scripts are executed
- Add Rotten Tomatoes to default web searches with keyword 'rotten'
- Ability to set theme UID externally via AppleScript
- Add default support for sending attachments in Airmail 2
- Add homebrew Caskroom and Cellar to Alfred's default search scope
Improvements and Fixes
- Enhance workflow preferences search to include external trigger and remote trigger ids
- Clarify text the calculator preferences
- Update google drive to new URL
- Update the google images URL to the latest non redirecting one
- Show person’s birthday in Alfred’s contact viewer
- Change to new method of loading URLs to sidestep Yosemite issue
- Improve reliability of simulated key releases by not setting the flags and only simulating a release if the key is down
- Remove deprecated setFlipped code for updated respectFlipped
- Ability to large type (⌘L) from the clipboard viewer and snippets 'snip' keyword.
- Better format the large type text around largest word length, and replace tab with spaces for proper indentation.
- Add additional configuration options for proxy, allowing for scheme prefixes if missing
- Clarify text for 1Password 3rd party integration in Alfred's preferences
- Improve workflow logging / debugging, better facilitating stderr as a method for logging
- Fix truncated labels in workflow Script preference sheets
- Improve workflow preferences search field behaviour in Yosemite
- Fix default feature 'no argument' keyword inputs auto complete with trailing space (e.g. clipboard, itunes)
- Reorganise the default hotkeys framework to sync more gracefully, removing defunct code
2.5.1 22nd Oct 2014
Improvements and Fixes
- Add support for 1Password 5 in Yosemite
- Improve workflow search (in Alfred's Preferences) in Yosemite, moving search config to more obvious cog
- Fix exception when passing an empty string in script filter XML subtext mod keys
- Remove automatic trimming for external trigger arguments (e.g. when running from AppleScript)
- Prepare support for Alfred Remote (not long now!!)
2.5 6th Oct 2014
Web and Security Improvements
- Update any references and auto update checks to operate over https
- Add option for https in default web searches, on by default
- Allow non encoded characters in custom web searches, workflow urls and remote urls. Makes adding URLs much easier and more predictable.
- Don't escape @ to %40 when URL encoding a mailto from email command and contacts viewer
- Update google icons to new style and add specific icons for google maps and translate
Workflow Improvements
- Make Title (keyword input) and Placeholder Title (script / file filter inputs) required workflow input fields to prevent confusion
- Modify behaviour on direct queries to make sure placeholder text is correctly shown when the argument is specified as required
- For fixed inputs (from hotkeys / external triggers / remote), correctly respect 'required argument' when arg is empty (i.e. don’t action)
- Change workflow input filter behaviour to prevent unnecessary script execution if argument hasn't changed. Also update trimming behaviour on direct input to match default input
- Reorganise Alfred’s main window for fixed inputs (hotkeys / external triggers / remote) and initially process input to show results or placeholder text
- Update the workflow examples to have 256px icons for future proofing
- Add icons to iTunes commands (e.g. play, random), also show these icons in workflow config
- Searching for workflows in Preferences fails to find word after '(' or '{' or '['
- Fix refresh issue when using a direct input where results weren’t cleaned out properly if Alfred was already visible
General Improvements and Bug Fixes
- Update resource icons to 256px for future proofing (e.g. Alfred Remote)
- Increase saved icons (workflows, web searches etc) to 256px for future proofing
- Modify caching policies for any internal URL requests to ignore the OS X URL caching
- Fix small memory leak in Alfred Preferences script action sheet (Doesn’t affect Alfred core)
- Prevent irrelevant results with “Quick Search” disabled and pressing space
- Prevent flicker in Alfred's UI when disassociating a uniquely selected result (e.g. google web search) when deleting backwards on the search field
- Change 'less' to 'fewer' in file search preferences help subtext
- Improve help subtext for File Search > Inside Files
- Fix Alfred main window subtext y position and incorrect crop in file actions browser
- Tidy up Alfred debug log
- Fix IMDB non english locale searches with a diacritic string
- Sort the fallback searches from the [+] button to make it easier to find the fallback you want
- Update method for OS X version checking removing deprecated Gestalt call
- Add additional help buttons in Workflows and Appearance preferences
- Start Improving help documentation
- Update build tools to Xcode 6
2.4 14th Aug 2014
Compatibility Improvements
- OS X Yosemite Compatibility, Alfred 2 officially supports Apple's upcoming operating system
- Updated Alfred preferences framework to provide a unified synced / non synced preference codebase for Alfred, giving better reliability
Theming Improvements
- Add new default OS X Yosemite Light and Dark themes
- Sharper status bar icon which respects Yosemite theming
- Add the experimental default window blur into appearance > options, no longer a preferences hack
- Add Helvetica Neue and Helvetica Neue Light to Alfred's theme editor selection
- Don't sync window position as different Macs may have very different location requirements
- Fix quirky footer text in theme editor when cycling through options such as fonts
- Update Alfred to use Helvetica Neue for built in default themes and a number of views across the app
- Update the "Show Result Subtext" appearance settings and add in a few nice new options such as only show subtext for selected row, or only show for alternative (modifier) actions
- Add a 'show subtext' modifier option in Alfred's advanced preferences. This allows to peak at the default subtext, e.g. file path, if the subtext is hidden in the theme
- When Large Type is showing, make cmd+c copy the visible text to the clipboard, then hide and deactivate Alfred
General Improvements and Bug Fixes
- New option to fuzzy match file system navigation results, on by default in Alfred's Features > File Search > Navigation options
- Add some useful alfred_ variables to the script environment to help get commonly required Alfred information.
- Add http_proxy and https_proxy support (option in Alfred's advanced preferences) for workflows
- Add the proxy exception list to workflow script environment as no_proxy variable
- Prevent update type from being greyed out when disabling auto updates
- Add a placeholder page in Alfred's preferences for Alfred Remote
- Escape pipe symbol in folder names for the "Open Terminal Here" action
- More robust nil checking when searching for snippets when doing placeholder replacements
- Fix failure moving / copying a file when name contains grave accent
- Diacritic insensitive genre searching in iTunes mini player
- Improve handling of double tap hotkey combos to prevent accidental triggering
- Prevent smart substitutions in workflow Terminal Command and Copy to Clipboard object editors
- Prevent right click table popups when sheets are visible in preferences
- Better dialog feedback on sync folder selection (e.g. when folder is already in use)
- More reliable mechanism for reshowing preferences on restart (i.e. when re-setting sync folder)
- Make clipboard history activation / watching more robust, improving performance
- Don't persist internal clipboard items when clip history is disabled
- Tweak vertical position of result text when subtext isn't visible
- Update DuckDuckGo logo to latest design in default web searches
2.3 8th May 2014
New Features
- New 'external trigger' workflow object for running workflows from outside of Alfred using AppleScript
- Update 'Open File' workflow action to allow static files to be opened with the specified application
- Context sensitive workflow hotkeys, ability to automatically register and deregister hotkeys for the currently focused app in OS X
- When disabling a workflow, also deregister the hotkeys. This requires a little responsibility on the part of the hotkey user to avoid registering hotkeys elsewhere in OS X
- New options to set new workflow defaults such as creator and readme, available on the [+] new workflow button
- Add 'text for copying' and 'text for large type’ and dynamic mod subtext overrides to Script Filter XML (see script filter xml example for more info)
- Promote Preference Panes into Alfred’s internal file cache for higher performance, better i18n and fuzzy matching
- Bring back window blur hack in Mavericks with added resilience
- Tidy up 'Eject' framework and add "Eject All" to the available System Command workflow actions
- Update workflow Script XML example to include the new Alfred 2.3 attributes
- Add "Copy" button in debugger to copy the current content of log to clipboard
- Improve and clarify certain aspects of debug logging
- Always output returned script XML from a Script Filter when logging is set to "All Information", regardless of error
- Make sure that the debugger is only hidden if the workflow selection is changed by a user, and not on an external reload
- Option to remember the last selected workflow category when re-opening Alfred, in the ‘Edit Categories’ preferences
- Show system default mail client icon with 'email' command, not fixed to icon/li>
- Clarify the popup auto update dialog, adding a note to show if the user is currently following pre-release builds
- Better re-selection of workflows when changing categories, filtering and editing
- Popup menus on workflow canvas for e.g. configure / copy / paste etc. Prevent accidental dragging of workflow objects when clicking by reducing initial sensitivity
- More intelligent creation of workflow from pre-defined templates, now allowing users to set the name and icon, and be pre-filled with workflow defaults
- A few preferences UI refinements
- Update to latest Xcode 5.1 and clang
Bug Fixes
- Fix rare script output UTF8 decoding error resulting in missing data returned from a script. Manifested in script filter returning large XML which parsed as invalid
- When renaming categories, ensure that related workflows have their categories updated correctly
- chmod -x unnecessary flags from some bundled example and template workflows
- Remove the un-wired "Confirm" option for the 'eject all' feature preferences
- Prevent duplicate names in the categories editor
- Prevent deleting workflow objects / connections while dragging or connecting them, leading to undesirable behaviour
- Prevent smart substitutions in Terminal integration custom AppleScript editor preferences
2.2 12th Mar 2014
New Features
- New debugging options for Workflows. Click the bug icon when editing a workflow. Debug filtering options available such as selecting the unique object you would like to see the debug info for, and error or full log info
- New organisation options and filtering for workflows, with categorisation. Available in Workflow preferences search drop-down
- Copy and Paste workflow objects e.g. from one workflow to another
- Added option on workflow list popup menu to duplicate workflows
- Default support for added for creating emails with attachments
- Option to use metadata for contacts search instead of Address Book API. Gives better word based and diacritic matching.
- Singapore added to the web locations
- Improve Alfred’s knowledge sorting for fixed and unique filter results (e.g. a hotkey attached to file filter, or uniquely selecting the ‘open’ file search)
- Correctly detect and format addresses in the contact viewer, fixes issue where e.g. US address formatting wasn't correct
- Clarify the 1Password advanced prefs for 1Password 3 and 1Password 4 differences
- Add some Amazon web localisations for AU, BR, CN, MX, IN instead of falling back to
- Improved reindexing with option to delete /.Spotlight-V100/ for most thorough metadata reindex
- Add back in touching folders to latest timestamp to enhance subsequent sorting in Alfred (and Spotlight). Preference in Alfred’s Features > File Search > Advanced
- Multi-selection now allowed in Workflows for re-categorisation and deletion
- Respect alternative metadata names in app cache for better internationalised matching
- Request contacts access on starting Alfred rather than first searching for better user experience
- List hotkeys in correct order to match Apple’s HCI guidelines (ctrl, alt, shift, cmd)
- More efficient fixed font loading
- Show contact suffix if available, e.g. BSc
- Ensure that multi part surnames are found in Alfred e.g. Mc Smith
- Nicer icon for the ‘tags’ keyword similar to Finder’s tag icon
- Turn off smart quotes and substitutions by default for snippets editor
- Better unicode support for full URLs in the Open URL workflow action
- Reset the iTunes XML patch cache when reloading the music library
- Fall back to workflow icon if icon is nil in Script Filter (currently shows a folder icon)
- Improved rendering in workflow editor canvas
Bug Fixes
- Prevent smart quotes in the AppleScript workflow action editor
- Fix text in reindex terminal window as dot is no longer shown in Spotlight magnifying glass when reindexing
- Remove non working Appsfire web search as it now uses AJAX and Appsfire are shifting business models
- Remove irrelevant popup options when there is an invalid workflow
- Update Google images / maps URLs to newer format (non subdomain)
- Remove (+) copy mouse icon when dragging fallback categories in preferences
- Remove erroneous ‘Name:’ label from File Action trigger preferences
- Improve reliability of multi-file buffer grid preview (actions view) on hovering mouse
- Ensure object is correctly re-selected in workflow editor when resizing window, or showing the workflow debugger
- Remove ability to use Dropbox’s Apps folder for syncing as this is still causing quirks for a small number of users (only affects new syncs)
- Remove window flicker when using the "Use Spotlight metadata for searching contacts" and opening contact in Alfred
- Fix incorrect tooltips in workflow editor
- Code refinement and performance enhancements
2.1.1 18th Nov 2013
- Add native tag support, with new ‘tags’ keyword which uses 'AND' logic for multiple keywords
- Improved layout for file search prefs for the new tag option
- Better support for OS X Mavericks multi screen, with new appearance option to "Show Alfred on Active Screen"
- In the Contacts Viewer, show addresses in Apple Maps by default, falling back onto Google Maps if Apple Maps isn't available
- Add Apple Maps into default web searches for users on Mavericks
- Show workflow image in notification in Mavericks with checkbox to disable in Advanced prefs
- Improvements to the iTunes AppleScript integration
- Fix some preference layout issues in Mavericks
- Turn off OS X auto substitution in Alfred's script editor fields e.g. smart quotes
- Fix escaping of ! in folder names for 'Open Terminal Here' file action
- Improved selected item mouse hover behaviour in default results
- More resilient inline definitions for non EN locales
- Stop trailing / being added when copying an optionally escaped path to clipboard
- Update tool chain and to using Xcode 5, improve build scripts
2.1 23rd Oct 2013
- Official OS X 10.9 Mavericks compatibility
- Add /System/Library/CoreServices/Applications to Alfred's default search scope which includes Network in Mavericks. You may need to add this path manually if you have modified your default search scope
- Fix inline dictionary definitions in Mavericks for the spell and define keywords
- Fix focus issue in Mavericks, and generally make the 'Browse in Alfred' workflow action less window flicky
- Improvements to iTunes integration, making the mini player aware of iTunes Radio
- If quick look is visible in file system navigation, correctly hide preview and Alfred, then open the selected item when pressing return
- Add in kMDItemUserTags to the selectable items in a workflow filter for better Mavericks tagging support
- More robust handling of clipboard history app blacklist
- Fix spelling mistake in Alfred assistant
- Use 1Password 4 icon as the default fallback icon if 1Password isn't found
- Escape & in folder names for the "Open Terminal Here" file action
- Improve syncing compatibility with Dropbox
- Tidy up logging
2.0.9 3rd Oct 2013
- Improve 1Password 4 compatibility (ensure 3rd party support is enabled in 1Password 4's preferences)
- Respect the new 1Password clipboard metadata type to ignore in Alfred's clipboard history
- Show the full path to applications listed in the 'Open With...' action list
- Fix Facebook web search
2.0.8 17th Sep 2013
- Add 1Password 4 compatibility (ensure 3rd party support is enabled in 1Password 4's preferences)
- Performance tweaks and bug fixes
2.0.7 8th Aug 2013
- Add custom AppleScript plugins for sending email attachments through Alfred's actions
- Correctly position Alfred on "mouse pointer screen" when OS X has screens above one another
- Improved logic for "Display Alfred on mouse screen" to prevent unnecessary checking of the mouse screen position
- Add option in Large Type prefs to show Large Type on current mouse display
- Fix rogue trailing space in tab-auto complete in web searches without {query}
- Fix unusual crash in address book viewer when using custom fields in OS X 10.7
- Better autoscroll and selection of newly added workflow object
- Update preferences help menu to have an item linking to Alfred's support site
- Add option to show job title, if available, in the contacts viewer
- Fix the default sort order of apps in the "Open With..." action to be last used date descending (i.e. most recent used app at the top)
- Improve reliability of the multi file actions summary view popover (popover sometimes wasn't appearing)
- Prevent window dragging in the multiple file summary view to match behaviour of file buffer
- Remove defunct Google Reader from default web searches
2.0.6 17th Jul 2013
- Add appearance option to show Alfred on the screen which the mouse pointer is currently visible
- Consume Tab Autocomplete when there are no matches in the file system navigation view to prevent selecting all the text
- If a contact's URL doesn't have a scheme in the address book viewer, default to http:// so that the URL is correctly opened
- Fix issue where using cmd+number in subviews (iTunes Mini Player / File System Navigation etc) selected the incorrect item
- More robust filter type editing when pressing the [-] button on editing the advanced filter types tab. Also, pre-select the newly added row
- Show "Browse folder in Alfred" action for public.volume types
- Fix workflow based hotkey app toggling for apps inside ~/ folder tree
- Add '' to the AppleScript types for default results and running AppleScripts (if selected in prefs)
- When setting a new hotkey with a shift (or other mod) and number, show the number in the UI rather than the modified character such as @
- Make the loading of icons for files on external drives a user based option for performance
- Reduce unnecessary logging for improved performance
2.0.5 11th Jun 2013
- Improved file matching for full file names and split name combos e.g. open bananas jpg
- OS X 10.6 hot fix for custom URLs and Open URL workflow object validation preventing configuration from displaying
2.0.4 3rd Jun 2013
- Add in <arg></arg> as an optional replacement to <item arg=""> which allows for newlines in the argument and other various xml advantages
- Respect prefix text when using a hotkey passed through to a workflow
- Add in soft failing for incompatible workflows (for future proofing workflows)
- New option to exclude podcasts in Alfred's mini player, only include podcasts which are available and can play
- Change http links to https links for throughout Alfred's preferences
- Check for write permissions on Alfred when updating to avoid quiet fail situations
- Perform URL validation in the custom web search configuration and Open URL workflow object configuration (also validates local URL schemes)
- Make Alfred use file type icons instead of file icons on external volumes for increased performance
- Make Alfred more robust when it comes to dodgy and invalid missing fields in OS X metadata results
- Robustness in file navigation view to prevent crash when using two "Browse in Alfred" actions simultaneously in a workflow
- Move filecache into Databases sub folder with other Alfred database files for tidiness
- Refine the photoshop -> ps fuzzy modifiers to not affect other apps
- Respect the "show in default results" tickbox for the iTunes play/pause keywords
- Make the fallback sheet table fields non-editable text as this doesn't actually do anything
- Remove unnecessary logging in file search to make things more efficient
- Find Spotlight Comments in the copy to / move to action folder destination search
- Escape \ and $ for "Open Terminal Here" action
- Separate preferences script editor Menlo font loading into fixed with font loader
- Default to system font if specified font isn't found to make Alfred more resilient to missing fonts
- When pasting from Alfred's clipboard history viewer, retain the original source app information (icon)
- Better update logic when switching between pre-releases and general releases in the update prefs
- Fix buffer icon upside down issue in certain situations due to icon caching
- Fix minor memory leak in workflows using metadata querier
2.0.3 18th Apr 2013
- Give Alfred's Auto Updater its own tab with change log
- Migrate user set hotkeys and keywords when updating a workflow
- Make no results from a script filter correctly fall back to fallbacks
- Make the script filter item uid attribute optional, and generate a UUID for these instead. This prevents Alfred from learning the returned result order so will respect the XML returned order
- Sort saved workflow [input] objects based on y position for more predictable initial no-knowledge ordering
- Add hidden knowledge for placeholder items - Allows for web searches / workflows to be ranked higher in the default results
- better logic on alternative modifiers, allows default mod actions on invalid results
- Respect opening contacts metadata files in Alfred's contact viewer if setup
- don't show "View contact in Alfred' subtext for non Powerpack users
- Capitalise Finder in 'reveal file in finder' modifier press subtext
- Fix spelling mistake 'searchces' when deleting a custom search
- add option to escape backslashes in {query} for scripting
- default backslash escaping for script workflow templates and examples
- When using cmd+c on a contact in Alfred's results, copy the name rather than the contact id
- Reset iTunes mini player if node stack typed mismatch, prevents nil caused double characters
- Add placeholder AppleScript for NSAppleScript configuration window with no AppleScript
- improve "Open With" matching to use kMDItemKeywords fields which also match app char names from 10.8.3
- fix issue with typed word not showing with define keyword in certain scenarios
- Add and improve timer logging for better performance profiling
- Change resizing mode on snippets table in prefs to make more useful
- If cmd+down on file, navigate into the containing folder
- Show reason sheet why non-PP users can't import themes or workflows rather than just not doing anything
- more efficient eject workflow which only loads the volumes if it needs to
- Don't grey out advanced 'sync' button for non-Powerpack users, instead, explain Powerpack is needed
- Rename 'Update" to "Save" in the workflows detail editor to prevent confusion
- If a person is marked as a company, then prefix with the company in Alfred's results
- Add in support for Mailplane 3 email attachments
- Trim large type text to ensure there are no hanging characters before displaying
- More clear 'grey out' behaviour for alt connection sheet when selecting 'none' as the connection modifier
- show full path at bottom of recent documents window
- Add type to filter documents in the recent documents action
- Fix some text in the v1 import sheet
- Switch out some unused NSLogs
- add resilience against certain Address Book scenarios
- Move application file cache database into app support folder to prevent auto cache cleaner apps from breaking or slowing Alfred
- Fix issue where joining comments and keywords in the app cache caused a selector not found when assuming an id was an array
- More robust default browser selection when populating browser info into workflow object config browser selection
- Fix time modifiers for snippets e.g. {time:short}
- Code review and remove the unused update controllers from the general prefs
- Fix spelling mistake in Google Suggest workflow example
2.0.2 23rd Mar 2013
- Improved app discovery and caching allowing for apps such as iPhone Simulator to be found if folder added to search scope
- Improved 'Browse in Alfred' workflow action, now allowing for more control over which folder is browsed
- iTunes keywords now available in Alfred's default results, if enabled in Alfred's iTunes > Keywords preferences
- Flatten app cache search string for more reliable internationalised app searching such as Russian
- Fully resolve symlinks in Alfred.alfredpreferences path which prevented preferences not being saving in certain scenarios
- Add error reporting to Alfred's preferences when a preference can't be saved for better user feedback
- Only enable the clipboard merge preferences if Alfred's clipboard history is enabled to prevent confusion
- Make {query} work in the script filter placeholder fields as they do in keyword / custom search fields for consistency
- Add selected theme to the 'not synced' info text in advanced prefs (allows for different theme per Mac)
- Search by phonetic names in the contacts searcher for better internationalised support
- Don't show the 'no update data available' warning on a background auto-update check
- Clean up unnecessary data in the app support folder when it is no longer needed
- Remove lightening bolt text from iTunes prefs as this is no longer in v2
- Clean up previous main results when switching from a typed query to a ' query in a single shot
- Make keyword optional when saving a snippet, as it's not really needed (as per v1)
- Better main app icon without aliasing at certain icon sizes
- Escape $ in the copy to / move to actions
- Escape ()[] in 'Open Terminal Here' action
2.0.1 16th Mar 2013
- v1 Settings Migration button in Alfred's General prefs for upgrading users
- Allow smaller prefs height for 11" Airs and 13" MacBooks
- Add an 'Edit Details' on the right click workflow popup in the workflows list, does the same as double clicking
- Fix dictionary prefs to show popup if localised name is missing for a language
- Show Alfred preferences with keyword 'alfred' and don't show Alfred in the search results (once cache is cleared)
- Force find apps marked as MDSystemFile such as Emacs, MacVim. Will also find e.g. Screen if containing folder is added to scope
- enter auto complete on snip keyword (missing internal UID). e.g. type sn, press return on placeholder, filter snippet
- Resilience against font not found for Menlo in Preferences causing prefs to malfunction
- Allow cmd+a as hotkey again, a number of v1 users were using cmd+a to show Alfred
- Fix plain text paste template workflow, now works correctly
- Trim a URL before opening it allowing for pasted URLs with trailing newlines to work
2.0 14th Mar 2013
Initial public version