Alfred 5.5 is here - Find out what's new

Find great tips and tricks, and discover new ways to use Alfred to be more productive at your Mac every day.

Discover Alfred Workflows: Design and Development

Discover handy workflows for color picking, content mockups, code review, and other design and development tools.

Video Tutorial: Using Web Searches and Creating Custom Searches in Alfred

Learn how to create your own custom searches and use them in Alfred with this quick video guide

Search Automation Tasks in Workflows

As of today, there as 218 Automation Tasks you can use to perform specific tasks in macOS completely script-free. Here's how you can use them easily in your own workflows.

Discover Alfred Workflows: Languages and References

Let's take a look at language and reference workflows you can keep at your fingertips, one of the many ways Alfred can help you be more efficient!

Watch Alfred Videos on YouTube

Did you know that you can now discover Alfred's features on YouTube?

A Workflow in 2 Minutes: Convert .heic images to .jpg in one keystroke

When we say that you can create a workflow without code in a matter of minutes, we're not kidding!

Use Universal Actions From Anywhere

Discover Universal Actions and learn how to use them

Automation Tasks Get a Big Update in Alfred 5.1

Automation Tasks were introduced in Alfred 5 to allow you to build even more complex Workflows without a line of code.

Yak Saver Workflow: Using the New Expression Utility

See how you can use the new Expression Utility object in our Yak Saver workflow

A Handy Workflow to Open System Settings in macOS Ventura

Open the macOS Ventura System Settings via a workflow.

Getting Started with Alfred 5

Alfred 5 is now available for you to download; Here are a few pointers to help you get started.

TinyPNG Workflow: Compress Your Images

TinyPNG is a web service that allows you to reduce the size of your images with no perceptible loss in quality, while shrinking the size of your files significantly. It's brilliantly useful, so we've made a workflow for it!

Universal Actions: Fine Control over Workflow Integration

How to configure which workflows appear in Universal Actions

System Commands: Take Control of macOS

From emptying your Mac's trash and launching your screen saver, to hiding or quitting apps and ejecting volumes, the System Commands are brilliantly useful.

Clipboard History: The Feature You Never Knew You Needed

Alfred's Clipboard History feature is invaluable, allowing you to copy as many items without having to worry whether you've pasted the previous clipboard content.

Give Your Files Helpful Nicknames to Find Them Faster

Here's how you can launch the right app even when you use the wrong name!

Saving Clipboard Items as Snippets Quickly

You can save a clipped item as a snippet with cmd + S in the Clipboard Viewer

Keep Your Latest Alfred Query Handy

Did you know that Alfred can keep your query history? This makes it easy to quickly look through your recent queries using the up arrow to pick up where you left off.

The Spacebar Trick: Searching Quickly in Alfred

The spacebar shortcut is the quickest way to broaden your search from your essential search results to a wider range of files just be pressing the spacebar first.

Use Alfred to Search Alfred: The Question Mark Trick

Did you know that you can show all your Alfred keywords and hotkeys if you can't recall what you've set them to?

Table Flip Everything: A simple workflow to turn the world upside down

We've created a workflow that lets you use the noble Table Flip emoticons to flip your world upside down.

Speeding up Workflow Hotkeys

More responsive hotkeys in workflows by selecting the best hotkey mode

Don't Get Lost in Translation: Using Google Translate in Alfred

When describing this post, use sentences.

Alfred's Best Features for the Independent Business Owner

Running a business involves so many different responsibilities; How can Alfred help you simplify your everyday tasks?

Getting Started with Alfred 4

Alfred 4 is now available for you to download; here's a quick guide to getting started with this new version.

Start Your Day Productively: A Workflow to Launch Your Work Environment

Here's how you can create a simple workflow to get your work environment up and running, so that you can get into your work groove.

Create Auto-Expanding Rich Text Snippets with Workflows

With a workflow, you can create snippets which includes formatted text and links.

Search your Browser Bookmarks in Alfred

Did you know you can search your browser bookmarks in Alfred?

Enhance Your Vocabulary with Alfred's Dictionary Keywords

Did you know that Alfred's Dictionary feature includes two keywords to help you broaden your vocabulary when writing?

Five Quick Ways To Start New Time-Saving Habits With Alfred

In this post, I'm sharing five productivity booster changes you can make to the way you use Alfred. Each one should only take you a couple of minutes to set up, and could save you far more time over the year.

Tutorial: Creating the Fastest Hotkey-Based Web Search

An incredibly quick way of searching the web without re-typing your query or manually launching a search.

Alfred 3.5 is Ready for High Sierra

When describing this post, use sentences.

Using Alignment Guides for Good Looking Workflows

When creating workflows, did you know that you can use object alignment guides to make your workflows look all tidy? No more misaligned objects!

Quick Tip: View Your Recent Alfred Query History

Did you know that Alfred can remember queries you've recently typed?

Manipulating Selected Text in macOS with Alfred Workflows

Alfred excels at speeding up repetitive tasks and making laborious jobs easier; Whether it's formatting text on the fly, manipulating text for convenience, a quick workflow is all it takes!

Perform File Actions Easily from Alfred or Finder

When you find a file in Alfred or in Finder, it's easy to take action on it; Email it, copy it, reveal it in Finder, or even create your own custom action.

Action Modifiers: Be Clever With Quick Alternative Actions

Have you ever noticed the subtle change in subtext of a result in Alfred when you type a search term and press the Ctrl, Alt or Cmd key? Action modifiers are like tiny superpowers!

Learn to Create Workflows with Alfred's Built-In Examples

Did you know that there are dozens of workflow examples and templates built into Alfred to help you get started and learn how to create your own?

Upgrading or Installing a New OS

With macOS Sierra's release just around the corner, we wanted to share a few tips to get you up and running with Alfred as quickly as possible on a new version of Apple's operating system.

How To Get The Results You Want in Alfred Every Time

When you start using Alfred regularly to launch apps and find files, you'll quickly find that Alfred presents you with the right results. But how can you ensure you always get what you want?

7 Workflow Tips for Alfred 3

As you discover Alfred 3 workflows, these tips will help you create beautiful and handy workflows.

Snippets Will Make You Smile

Snippet auto-expansion is new to Alfred 3, and is an evolution of the existing Clipboard History and Snippets features we already loved in Alfred 2.

Alfred 3: Getting Started

Alfred 3 is now available for you to download, so here's a guide to getting started with this new version.

Testing Alfred 3 Using Alfred's Own Workflows

We've created workflows to unit test Alfred 3 ahead of release; See how flexible workflows are becoming in v3.

Beginner's Guide to Alfred: Searching your Mac and the Web

Got a friend or family member who's new to Mac? If you've been looking for an introduction to Alfred, this is the perfect "Alfred 101 Guide"!

5 Tips on Searching the Web Efficiently with Alfred

It's easy to search the web using Alfred, with web searches, custom searches, workflows and more. Take a look at 5 ways to get to the information you want even more efficiently!

How to safely back up and sync your preferences before upgrading OS X

Syncing your settings keeps your carefully created preferences safe. Most importantly, it also allows you to stay in sync on more than one Mac.

4 Tips to Make The Most of Clipboard History

If you've used Alfred's Clipboard History feature, you'll no doubt agree that it feature quickly becomes an integral part of working efficiently at your Mac. We've got a few tips to help you use clipboard history to its fullest.

You Can Count on Alfred's Calculator

Alfred's calculator is conveniently easy to access; Just pop up the search box and start typing your calculation.

Automating Your Home With Alfred Workflows

There are great Alfred workflows for controlling your home environment, including temperature, mood lighting and music. Take a look at some of our favourite ones.

3 Ways to Use OS X Tags for Better Search

Turn the simple OS X tags into a great way to group files and search them with Alfred.

Better iTerm Integration in Alfred

Did you know that Alfred's Powerpack integrates with OS X's Terminal? Alfred can also integrate with third-party Terminal apps like iTerm.

Connecting Your Remote using Bluetooth

Connecting your Alfred Remote to your Mac using Wi-Fi is the fastest and most reliable way. However, there are occasions where this may not be possible, so here's how you can connect using Bluetooth instead.

Launch a URL in 3 browsers from Alfred or Remote

In this tutorial, learn how to create a workflow to launch a URL in three browsers at once by tapping an icon on your Alfred Remote for iOS.

9 Alfred Features You Might Not Know Exist Yet

Whether you're new to Alfred or have been a power user for years, take a look at these great tips from our Twitter followers for Alfred features you might not have known existed before.

5 Tips To Make Workflows Work Harder For You

Workflows are a great way to extend Alfred in ways that fit your particular needs and the frequent tasks in your personal routine. I've gathered a few valuable tips on organising and managing your growing collection of workflows.

Using the same keyword for multiple actions

This tutorial takes a look at how you can create a workflow using the same keyword for multiple actions, using Fitbit as an example.

Setting Up Your Own Fallback Searches

Using Alfred's fallback searches is a great way to speed up your searches by adding your most-used sites to the list of searches you see when your term doesn't match a result on your local Mac.

10 Great Uses for Alfred's Hotkeys

Kick your keyboard control into high gear. Take a look at how you can improve your workday by adopting these ten tricks and creating a few handy hotkeys of your own.

An OS X Yosemite Theme for Alfred

Download our Yosemite-inspired theme for Alfred 2 for a lovely clean theme.

Clipboard History and Snippets in a Snap

Clipboard History is a Powerpack feature that has saved me hours of searching for links and re-typing text. More than once, it also saved my bacon when my browser or text editor crashed.

Creating an Alfred Workflow Without a Single Line of Code

This tutorial will walk you through creating a very simple workflow using Objects - without a single line of code. We'll create a search for images which opens your chosen result in Safari.

Importing and Setting Up Alfred Workflows

This tutorial will help you understand what a workflow is, how to import an existing Alfred workflow and set it up to get started with it.

Latest Blog Post:

Alfred 5.6 Released: Improvements and fixes to Workflows and more

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