Alfred Extensions: The best scripts (so far!)
[Update: This is a legacy post, and Alfred 2 now uses workflows. Find out more about workflows. The links in the blog post below may not be kept up to date.]
With Alfred 0.9.9 out for general release, we're excited to share some of the best Alfred Powerpack extensions that we've seen so far.
These scripts have been created by Alfred users and are supported by their respective creators. Where possible, we've included a link to their Twitter account or website.
If you've created a useful extensions yourself, send us a link on Twitter and we'll add the best ones to an upcoming Extensions page.
Tip: Don't forget that once you've created an extension, you can right-click it in the sidebar to export it and share with friends!
Create a Symbolic Link [link] by @jdfwarrior Result action that creates a symbolic link to the selected item
Down For Everyone or Just Me? [link] by @jdfwarrior Checks to determine if a site is down
Facebook Status (requires FBCMD) [link] by @jdfwarrior Updates your Facebook status
eBay Checker [link] by @jdfwarrior Provides item information from eBay
Flush DNS [link] by @jdfwarrior Flushes your DNS cache
Lipsum Text [link] by @jdfwarrior Retrieves lipsum text from and copies it to your clipboard automatically
Local Weather Conditions [link] by @jdfwarrior Displays local weather conditions via Growl. Get your weather location ID from or (setup page). Need metric units? In the script, change METRIC=false, to METRIC=true
Create DMG [link] by @jdfwarrior Result action that creates a DMG image from the selected folder
Package Tracker [link] by @jdfwarrior Tracks packages via and displays information via Growl
Get External IP Address [link] by @jdfwarrior Retrieves your external ip address, copies it to the clipboard, and displays it via Growl
Zip Folder [link] by @jdfwarrior Result action that creates a zip file from the selected item and places it on the desktop. UPDATED: Now has ability to create archives with folders with spaces in the name. Long explanation of why it didn't work. It's fixed now.
Fantastical [link] by @jdfwarrior Applescript that lets you quickly pass new events into Fantastical
Add a task to Remember the Milk
Turn on/off Airport (by Andy Jeffries) networksetup -setairportpower en1 on networksetup -setairportpower en1 off Use the 'BSD device name' from the 'Network' section of the System Information app instead of en1.
__Tweet without a Twitter client
Changing network location
Open URLs in non-default browser window Credit @f5point6
Get public IP address and copy to clipboard (by Joseph Flasher) curl —silent | grep -Eo '([0-9]{1,3}.){3}[0-9]{1,3}' | bcopy
Create and open a new file with your Default text editor (by Roger Byrne) touch /Users/rogermbyrne/Dropbox/Writer/{query}.txt; open /Users/rogermbyrne/Dropbox/Writer/{query}.txt
Lots more cool scripts by Don Southard:
- Convert image to another format
- Share your current song from iTunes or Ecoute
- Create tasks in OmniFocus with Natural Language
- Set Wallpaper from Alfred action menu
- Start a screencast from Alfred
- Use Alfred for Window Management
- Upload Picture to Picasa
- Create custom shortened URL
- Upload file to Amazon S3
- Convert video to AppleTV format
- Create a CloudApp bookmark from Clipboard
- Shorten a URL with and more
Full list of very useful extension scripts created by @jdfwarrior
Spotify AppleScripts by Robin Enhorn
Evernote search
Adding notes to Evernote
Switching VPN (by @johanbakken)
Set your Adium status by @simonbs
Create a task in Things by @preppeller Andrew's Tumblr post on Things
More coming soon
We'll soon create a page where the best extensions of each type will be available for you to browse. In the meantime, link to your own extensions in the comments and we'll be happy to include the best ones in our future extensions pages!