Change Log
Alfred 4 is now available from, and is recommended if you're planning to upgrade to macOS 10.15 Catalina.
This Change Log covers all changes in Alfred 3, including Powerpack-only features.
Alfred 3.8.6
Build 972, Tuesday 17th December 2019
- Back out default file search sorting from 3.8.3 due to potential performance issues under certain circumstances
Alfred 3.8.5
Build 970, Thursday 24th October 2019
- Update Rotten Tomatoes web search to use %20 instead of + for spaces
Alfred 3.8.4
Build 968, Tuesday 8th October 2019
- Ensure that Dictionary and Calculator app icons correctly show for associated Alfred features in macOS Catalina
Alfred 3.8.3
Build 967, Monday 9th September 2019
- Add default sort order back to file metadata query to ensure most relevant results before Alfred has accumulated internal knowledge
- You should see a significant improvement to Alfred's default ranking of results, and more relevant file search results presented
- macOS Catalina preparation and improvements
- Update Alfred's Features preferences tab to correctly source new Catalina icons
- Update Alfred Remote example pages to link to the updated applications
- Separate Applications in default search scope to dynamically add new Catalina app location
- Add iCloud Drive updated location to default search scope (If user modified, you will need to reset your default search scope to have this added)
- Disable iTunes Mini Player in macOS Catalina, as app and underlying support has been removed by Apple
- Note: We are working on compatibility in Alfred 4
- Prevent duplicates from being added to generated search scope list
- Update Alfred Remote built in web page examples to use https
- Modify the Update preferences to quantify "latest version" of version 3 with the sentence "You are using the latest version of Alfred 3."
- When compiling internal AppleScripts, move error reporting to main thread to prevent oddities
Alfred 3.8.2
Build 963, Friday 31st May 2019
- Add banner in Alfred's preferences to tell you that Alfred 4 is available
- Banner can be permanently hidden
- If you'd like to upgrade to Alfred 4, download from
- Show error if trying to launch Alfred 3 when Alfred 4 is running, preventing potential conflicts
- Fix buffer popover window transparency
Alfred 3.8.1
Build 961, Wednesday 13th March 2019
- Make theme editor correctly fade background image in (regression after updating toolset to Xcode 10)
- Fix shadow rendering in Alfred theme editing to make colours match between real and editor themes
- Fix crash in certain scenarios when attempting to eject an external drive which is currently busy
- Tweak to table editing in Arg/Var utility to work around Mojave rendering bug
- Update Amazon Japan URL from .jp to to avoid unnecessary redirect
Alfred 3.8
Build 959, Saturday 2nd February 2019
- Updated toolset and build to Xcode 10
- Apple Notarisation for deployment
- Hardened runtime for macOS 10.14
- Work around macOS 10.14 transparency issues
- Add NSAppleEventsUsageDescription for AppleScript event integration
- Work around a macOS Mojave text rendering issue where Alfred's font weight was lighter than required
- Make sure the key combo view fires an update when using the right-click popup menu to set the mod chars
- Remove backspace to delete selected collection in Alfred's Snippet Preferences to prevent accidental deletion
- Add in ideographic space keyword separator recognition for filter based queries (file search, script filter, dictionary etc)
- Work around Google Chrome issue where snippet auto expansion doesn't always function as expected
Alfred 3.7.1
Build 946, Monday 17th December 2018
General Fixes and Improvements
- Enable 1Password multi-URL per bookmark integration (after a tweak in 1Password itself)
- Add default snippet order (name) to the snippet viewer when filtering. Exact snippet keyword matches, followed by keyword prefix matches are still sorted to the top
- Ensure that Alfred's snippet expansion works as expected with the macOS Accessibility Virtual Keyboard
- Fix "Launch Apps / Files" workflow object to correctly toggle visibility for symlinked apps
- Tweaks to preferences xibs to remove deprecated parameters
- Add new option to ignore Universal Clipboard data within Alfred's Clipboard History, preventing "Pasting from x" macOS dialog (Requires macOS 10.13 High Sierra and above)
- Show generic clipboard icon for Universal Clipboard data instead of currently focused local app in Alfred's Clipboard History (Requires macOS 10.13 High Sierra and above)
- Show colour preview in Clipboard History view for hex without leading hash
- Update Alfred's force keyboard language advanced setting to work more reliably
Improvements for macOS Mojave
- Force clear background colour to Alfred root window to improve rendering behaviour in macOS Mojave
- Fix issue in macOS Mojave where Alfred main window isn't correctly released, causing unexpected behaviour
- Work around macOS Mojave indexing issue where Applications have incorrect metadata file type information causing missing icon and duplicate results
- Fix Workflow List Filter config in Mojave to correctly live-update table when entering a list item's details
Alfred 3.7
Build 938, Thursday 13th September 2018
General Fixes and Improvements
- Tweaks Alfred auto-updater to be more reliable with macOS Mojave
- Consolidate Alfred Text Helper into Alfred's core for future proofing with macOS Mojave
- Add new request dialog on first start of Alfred to request permissions
- Add a "Request macOS Permissions" option to the Alfred Status Bar menu if permissions aren't currently granted
- Fix empty workflow filter file search results in certain situations when suffixing a search term quickly with a space
- Fix Script Filter result mod override variables to correctly inherit upstream variables
- Fix clipboard history image preview to correctly render on retina displays
- Additional integrated URLs updated from http to https, for example, the Apple Maps link in the Contacts viewer
Alfred 3.6.2
Build 922, Wednesday 11th July 2018
General Fixes and Improvements
- Ensure that default double tap based hotkeys are correctly deregistered when clearing the hotkey field in Alfred's preferences
- When processing text placeholders, evaluate the clipboard placeholder to an empty string if there is no suitable plain text entry in the current clipboard
- Improve Alfred startup efficiency, specifically workflow snippet trigger initial caching
- When deleting workflows and snippets (also snippet collections), these are now moved to the Trash instead of removed
- Fix Large Type preferences to correctly show for non-Powerpack users (regression when moving them from Appearance to Features)
- Prevent file filter from holding on to macOS metadata query exclusivity if the query keyword is edited within Alfred to match a different file filter
- Add troubleshooting button to Powerpack activation error sheet
- Fix specific floating point precision rounding issue in calculator
- Recognise longer TLDs when typing in a URL to open
- Increase workflow import sheet to allow for help subtext to properly fit
- Improve help subtext for various features in Alfred's preferences
- Add official support for 1Password 7
- Add "Tap to confirm" option in Alfred Remote for running workflows, similar to system commands
- Fix Filter workflow object to treat arrays as strings when processing, instead of just halting if an array (e.g. of files from hotkey selection) is passed in
- Initial set of tweaks for macOS 10.14
Alfred 3.6.1
Build 910, Monday 9th April 2018
- Improve CSV drag and drop import in "List Filter" input object configuration sheet, more closely adhering to RFC 4180
- Enhancements to the "Dispatch Key Combo" workflow object
- Added popup with ability to add and remove key modifiers allowing for dispatching of combos which are otherwise macOS reserved (e.g. cmd+tab)
- Added option to clear key combo
- Fix new "set config" AppleScript command for smoother operation
- If a currently running workflow calls set config on itself, the workflow will continue running
- Small tweak to workflow editor to better handle unexpected missing workflow data
- Fix insert placeholder button on "Write Text File" output object to correctly insert placeholders into editor view
- Fix spelling of overridden in "Run External Trigger" output object
- Clarify the subtext relating to variables in the "Call External Trigger" trigger object
- Fix correctly passing workflow configuration (environment) variables out of a "Call External Trigger" trigger object
- Tweak incompatible python library check for macOS 10.13+
Accessibility / VoiceOver Improvements
- Selected default results now gives context and more information
- Subviews now better contextually read results (Clipboard / Snippet Viewer, File System Navigation, File Actions)
General Fixes and Improvements
- Improvements to calculator locale recognition and usage (separator / grouping)
- Fix Finder quitting when using quitall command in macOS 10.13, non-English locale
- Fix stuck buffer popover text on macOS 10.13 when popover is currently visible and Alfred window hides
- Updated IMDB default web search to be https now that IMDB supports this
- Fix rendering quirk in clipboard viewer after deleting clipboard items and all items are individually deleted
- Compatibility improvements for the new 1Password 7 Beta (and future general release)
- Update Ask and Ebay default web searches to https and latest URL scheme
Alfred 3.6
Build 903, Wednesday 14th February 2018
- Improved Google Chrome support
- Better discovery of profile folder when there is a single profile
- Ability to select profile if more than one profile exists (in Alfred's Web Bookmarks feature preference; not synced, so selected profile can be different per machine)
- Improved, more consistent bookmark search behaviour
- Now matches arbitrary word order in search query
- Flatten unicode space characters for better international word boundary support
- Bookmark's folder will now be matched regardless of location in the typed query
Text Expansion, Snippets and Clipboard
- Added new snippet search options (in Features > Snippets preferences)
- Snippet content can now be optionally searched in the Snippet Viewer and from the Snippet keyword
- Snippet word matching mode can now be disabled allowing for broad non-anchored search to match the clipboard history search
- Added new option to enable diacritic and unicode case insensitive searching of clipboard history items
- Note that with very large clipboard databases, this can have an small effect on performance as Alfred implements a custom SQLite function for matching
- Snippet Viewer and Snippet keyword now give consistent results
- Clipboard history and snippet search now treats query spaces as wildcards for wider result matching
- Improve reliability of sequential snippet expansion (one snippet immediately followed by a second snippet)
- Improve snippet time / date placeholder regex recognition to be more precise
- ⌘S on a selected snippet in the Snippet Viewer now edits the snippet in Alfred's Preferences
Large Type
- The Large Type options have been moved from Appearance > Options to the Features preferences to make it more discoverable
- Added new option to set the Large Type font
File Search / Navigation
- Add ability to toggle visibility of preview view in Alfred's File System Navigation view. New button in bottom right of navigation view with shortcut ⇧⌘I
- Updated search handler to perform less overall queries for lower resource usage
- Prioritise files above bookmarks in the default file search, i.e. file types selected in Alfred's Default Results preferences
- macOS 10.13 file search improvements
- Force default macOS metadata query sort order to be more predictable for when Alfred has no internal knowledge in macOS 10.13 (change backed out after Apple fixed bug in 10.13.2)
- Moved metadata query result handling off the event thread for improved responsiveness
- Added subtext to file search placeholders (open, find, in, tags), and added a please wait message if macOS response is slow
- Fix small memory leak in file actions preview panel
- New AppleScript to set and remove workflow configuration variables (See AppleScript dictionary)
- Fix connection rendering quirk when adding new objects in canvas by dragging to empty space
- Also migrate the "with space" option on input objects when updating a workflow with "Migrate my settings" selected
- Fix AppleScript Run Command definition to make the trigger id argument non-optional
- Fix help button link in workflow about / environment variables sheet
General Fixes and Improvements
- Minor tweaks to default result item re-selection logic and performance
- Fix selected shortcut highlight colour in secondary view selection lists (e.g. navigation and actions views)
- Modernise web search icons for YouTube, Gmail and Weather
- When using macOS High Sierra and Alfred's Lock command, Alfred will now simulate cmd+ctrl+q for instant lock
- Add iTunes Mini Player playlist local (non-synced) suffix for unique Alfred playlists per Mac (Improves Mini Player behaviour when iTunes is syncing playlists)
- Pressing return on terminal command keyword with no command typed now correctly sets it as the only visible result (framework tweak)
- Tweak to threading for background image loading in preferences Appearance tab to ensure integrity of UI thread
- Deferred creation of Alfred Preferences package initial subfolders until they are needed, which reduces potential syncing conflicts when first setting Alfred up on multiple Macs and the initial Mac's preferences haven't fully synced / propagated
- Added additional information when setting up syncing, including a warning when user selects iCloud Drive
- List of preferences unique to each Mac when syncing moved from Advanced preferences to syncing help page, added help button linking to syncing page
Alfred 3.5.1
Build 883, Wednesday 18th October 2017
General Fixes and Improvements
- macOS High Sierra 10.13 fixes
- Fix alphabetically sorting files in Alfred's File System navigation with APFS
- Fix window transparency issue when showing inline QuickLook preview view in File System navigation / Clipboard History
- Fix recent documents file action to correctly load new High Sierra recent document format
- Bookmark feature improvements
- Improved matching on new bookmarks feature, better respecting arbitrary word boundaries
- Fix UTF-8 case insensitive searching of bookmarks
- Fix wording on bookmark searching placeholder to "Search Bookmarks" when using a keyword
- Lower default priority of bookmarks in default results, to e.g. allow calculator to come above matched bookmark
- Improved Google Chrome bookmark discovery for default bookmarks
- Allow empty bookmark titles when importing. When the title is empty, Alfred displays the url host instead
- 1Password improvements
- Don't show the 1Password auto-generated passwords, as these add irrelevant noise to the 1Password results
- Text Expansion
- Ignore repeat (key held) characters which can lead to unwanted text expansions
Alfred 3.5
Build 875, Monday 25th September 2017
NEW: Bookmarks Feature
- Added new "Bookmarks" feature for indexing and searching bookmarks, removing dependence on macOS metadata
- NOTE: If previously including bookmarks in default results, this option will need to be re-enabled in Features > Bookmarks
- Fixes bookmark searching in macOS 10.13 where macOS metadata has been removed
- Currently supports Safari and Google Chrome
- Note that the option to select Safari and Chrome are not synced to allow different per-Mac settings
- Now searchable in default results or via keyword (convenience vs lower noise)
- Bookmarks are matched by title, hostname, or folder when searching
- Option to open bookmarks in the macOS default browser, or the bookmark's respective source browser
Workflow Improvements
- Improvements to Script Filter workflow object
- Significant enhancements regarding Alfred filtering JSON output results
- New Match Mode options, for word boundary, exact or word based matching, available from cog next to "Alfred Filters Results" checkbox
- New JSON "match" property (string) to override default "title" matching
- Updated help pages for Match Mode (additional contextual help button on Match Mode sheet), and JSON output spec
- Fix per-item result variables in JSON output (was incorrectly compounding result item variables)
- Improve efficiency of 'rerun' flag in JSON output, preventing unnecessary reruns from occurring
- Now uses a serial operation queue, and only reruns the very last requested rerun after script execution triggered by user input
- Fix dynamic configuration of object fields (when passing JSON into object input)
- When JSON defined 'rerun' is out of range (<0.1 or >5), give a debug warning instead of a hard error. Rerun flag is ignored if out of range
- Fix workflow connection logic issue when using JSON mod overrides with no matching configured mod connection
- Now correctly respects the default (non mod) connection window behaviour configuration
- Significant enhancements regarding Alfred filtering JSON output results
- Fix "Snippet Trigger" to correctly enable and disable when the parent workflow is enabled and disabled
- Fix field tabbing in "Fallback Search" trigger object configuration sheet
- Fix correctly updating file path field in "Open File" action object configuration when deleting item from left path icon box
Clipboard Improvements
- Performance tweaks to Alfred's Clipboard Manager, specifically when new clipboard content is recognised
- Improve snippet text auto expansion behaviour when Caps Lock is enabled
- Fix snippet date placeholder regex to allow multiple date placeholders on single continuous line
General Improvements
- New Fallbacks option to show fallback searches in default results, even when there are results
- If specified in Alfred's Default Results feature, Alfred will show fallbacks at the bottom of the results list...
- Unless a search item has been selected, e.g. pressing return on the 'open' file search or on the 'google' web search
- Unless a workflow has a fixed input, e.g. a chained workflow input, or a hotkey wired to an input
- If specified in Alfred's Default Results feature, Alfred will show fallbacks at the bottom of the results list...
- Updated logic on maintaining and releasing the currently selected result in the default results list
- Framework and performance improvements involving Alfred's workspace manager
- Fix window visibility event order to make sure app specific hotkeys (specifically, hotkeys set to be active when Alfred is visible) are correctly registered
- Add AppleScript command for showing Alfred's Actions Panel for the given file
- e.g. tell application "Alfred 3" to action "~/Desktop"
- This accepts one or more paths as the argument
- Add AppleScript command for showing Alfred's File System Navigation with the given path / search string
- e.g. tell application "Alfred 3" to browse "~/Desktop/"
- Alfred Framework updates for better macOS 10.13 compatibility
- Reduce blur radius on default "Frosty Teal" theme for higher performance in macOS 10.13
Alfred 3.4.1
Build 860, Friday 21st July 2017
- Update Script Format JSON output with new features
- Add per item (and per item mod) variables which are passed out of the object on actioning the result
- Add per mod customisable images (i.e. dynamically change the result icon when a user holds a mod key)
- Please note that, as the Script Filter XML output is legacy, it remains unchanged
- Fix Script Filter default fallback image order if no icon specified in JSON/XML
- Fall back to Script Filter icon first, then Workflow icon
- Prevent incompatible workflows from loading in macOS 10.12.4+ if they contain an older version of 3rd party library Alfred-Workflow
- Give link to troubleshooting page to automatically update and re-enable these workflows
- Use new separate view for 'no workflow' and 'incompatible workflow' display in workflow editor, giving more future flexibility
- Add new "Snippet Trigger" getting started guide to + button of the workflow editor
- Fix snippet database cache to correctly update when snippet triggers are duplicated
- Reduce workflow trigger connection constraints, allowing new Snippet Trigger to be connected to input objects
- Tidied rendering of hotkey object in workflow canvas, removing gradient
- Update workflow import message, notifying that snippet triggers are also stripped on new workflow import
- Improved workflow save performance, removing some unnecessary saves
General Improvements
- Fix unexpected unicode search behaviour in file system navigation
- Intelligent removal of ' quick-search prefix when showing fallback searches
- Add tel:{query} as suggested custom URL scheme for phone numbers in contacts integration
- Reorganise and standardise simulated key event framework for text expansion and clipboard pasting
- Replace text expansion "Slow down simulated key events" option with slider from Fastest (default) to Slowest
- Add help button on Snippet Expansion config sheet in preferences
- Add option to restore clipboard contents after using Snippet Viewer for snippet (option shared with snip keyword)
- Add option to allow data marked as concealed in clipboard history, concealed data ignored by default
- Fix Alfred Text Service icon to properly hide after accessibility is enabled
- Fix Screen Saver system command in macOS 10.13
- Reduce blur radius and increase opacity of default themes for higher performance in macOS 10.13
Alfred 3.4
Build 850, Monday 19th June 2017
Clipboard and Snippets
- Added advanced scripted text expansion using a new Workflow 'Snippet' trigger object
- Type a snippet keyword into any macOS window to directly run a workflow
- Dynamically create snippet content using the power of Alfred's Workflows, then automatically paste back to app
- Enables multi-part text expansion such as form filling
- Added new {datetime} placeholder which allows for simple combined date and time formatting with short, medium, long and full
- Added date arithmetic to date placeholders throughout Alfred
- Supported (Y)ear, (M)onth, (D)ay, (h)our, (m)inute, (s)econd
- e.g. {datetime +1Y -2M +2h:medium} (See context help for more syntax examples)
- Arithmetic can be stacked, i.e. add and subtract multiple days in single equation
- Add a new "Placeholder" helper button to the bottom left of text areas which support placeholder replacements (Workflow / Snippet / Remote)
- Added insertable examples for date, time, clipboard and cursor
- Added per-collection snippet keyword prefix and suffix
- Allows better and faster control over how and when snippets are found and auto-expand
- Collection prefix and suffix are edited per collection, but shown per snippet in table
- Improved collection display in preferences, with snippet count, prefix and suffix shown
- Prefix and suffix are exported and imported with collections
- Added toggle to enable or disable entire snippet collections
- Applies to (Clipboard) Snippet Viewer, Snippet keyword and Snippet auto expansion
- Add batch editing of auto expansion for selected snippets
- Tidy up the snippet collection preferences to better match Alfred's preferences
- Added option to duplicate a snippet from the context popup menu in the Snippet feature preferences
- Update Snippets feature preferences search to also search snippet content
- Fix snippet keyword conflict highlighting in Snippet feature preferences table
- Fix issue where Clipboard History could miss an entry from an app which clears clipboard content, and delays before repopulating copied data (seen with
- Improvements and simplifications to the snippets and snippet collection framework (for performance and robustness)
- Added context help button to Snippet Collection edit sheet, and updated help link on Collection edit sheet
- Fix snippet placeholder processing order to prevent double processing of certain clipboard placeholders
- Small tweak to Automatic Snippet Expansion to make conflicting keyword expansion more predictable (now always expands first matching one)
- Ignore org.nspasteboard.ConcealedType pasteboard types for clipboard history
- Add 'Snippet' Trigger workflow object to support new scripted text expansion feature, detailed above
- Add workflow editor Object Alignment Guides for easier object layout, available from the workflow canvas popup menu options
- Alternatively, hold the 'option' key while hovering items on the canvas to see alignment guides
- Added option for not trimming script filter argument, for when spaces are significant to your workflow
- Updated the trimming of Input Filter arguments to be more intelligent
- Add dispatch "Count" option to the Dispatch Key Combo output object; Dispatch a key combo between 1 to 10 times
- If count is set greater than 1, count is shown on workflow object in canvas
- Output an AppleScript error on calling Alfred when the workflow id or trigger id is not found, or if the workflow is disabled
- See context help for "External" Trigger workflow object for error codes
- Fix border rendering around Dispatch Key Combo output object input field when view doesn't have focus
- Fix tab field focusing order on OpenURL workflow action configuration
- Fix initial focus on keyword field in Dictionary Filter input object config sheet
- Fix unexpected behaviour when pressing - button during editing of a new workflow environment variable value
- Fix incorrect visual selection after using insert object from the popup menu
- Cleanly close STDIN for workflow Scripts, preventing scripts wanting standard input from waiting indefinitely
- Update URL validation in OpenURL object configuration to be aware of variables
- Small tweak to workflow object config sheet layout to better line up UI components
- Ensure that the workflow list is correctly updated when a workflow is saved (e.g. last modified date)
- Overhauled and simplified workflow import framework code, specifically with migrations
- Update workflow script editor text area, now shows the empty script / default script suggestion as grey text
- Improve debug output for Script Filter, showing queued and run arguments
- Add help hint on Terminal Command config page, suggesting Run Script as alternative
- Improve mouse tracking calculation within Workflow canvas, preventing tracking when hovering over debugger
- Show error message in Alfred's Preferences when Alfred is unable to save a workflow (e.g. permissions issue)
File System
- Show the Finder "Display Name" in File Actions panel for better consistency (specifically for file extensions)
- Update global action's "File Selection" hotkey to be Alfred aware, now works within Alfred's default results and File System navigation
- Updated behaviour track transport controls
- Now better compatible with special case playlists such as Genius
- Added new "back" track command, matching Apple Keyboard / iTunes intelligent behaviour of restart or previous track
- Updated iTunes Mini Player previous track button behaviour to the new "back" behaviour
- Updated Alfred Remote with new "Back Track" option, with associated example template
- Updated iTunes Action workflow object with "Back Track" option, with associated workflow template
General Improvements
- Update LinkedIn search in default web searches to latest URL
- Add a help button next to the main Alfred hotkey, linking to hotkey help and troubleshooting
- Fix quirk when right clicking for popup menu within Alfred's preferences when window isn't key
- Increase auto-updater timeout interval to 60s for users on very poor network connections
Alfred 3.3.2
Build 818, Monday 11th April 2017
- More robust threading for define and spell keywords
- Fixed eject blacklist, now respects mounts in sub folders under /Volumes/
- Improved experience when first starting Alfred Text Service (Snippet expansion) and granting accessibility access
- Added option to restore clipboard contents after using snip keyword, to match snippet auto expansion
- Respect the file preview options (don't show x types, don't show if in y folder) in clipboard history preview
- Flatten ’ (curly single quote) in iTunes mini player indexing and search (currently only flattening straight ')
- Update Alfred's built toolset on fresh new mini build server, shiny!
- Added helper to aid Corporate Powerpack license deployment
Alfred 3.3.1
Build 806, Monday 27th February 2017
- Improved logic on when to launch files and apps in background, prevents macOS launch dialogs from hiding behind Alfred window
- Fix pop-up menu from hat in main Alfred window to show with ctrl+click as well as right-click
- Fix Open With file action to correct respect Full Fuzzy app matching advanced preference
- Action panel left text side now expands to fill with wider themes instead of right preview side
- A few small layout tweaks for macOS 10.9
Alfred 3.3
Build 801, Wednesday 1st February 2017
Clipboard and Snippets
- Added new {clipboard:x} placeholder to obtain items from Alfred's clipboard history, where x is the history offset
- e.g. {clipboard:0} is latest, {clipboard:1} the previous item and so on
- This can be useful for snippets / snippet expansion to perform clever custom merging of the clipboard
- More efficient pre-processing of snippet results when using snip keyword
- Add "Rename" on popup menu for selected snippet collection
- Add "Edit" to popup menu for selected snippet
- Move {clipboard} processing to after {date} / {time} processing for most predictable and consistent output
- New icons for workflow objects
- Add {date}, {time} and {clipboard}, {clipboard:x} style placeholders to relevant objects
- Added to Write File and Large Type Workflow Output objects
- Added to Arg and Var / JSON Utility objects
- Note that this inherently also adds {clipboard:x} to the Copy to Clipboard Output object
- Added new "Clipboard" Getting Started guide to demonstrate new workflow features
- Fix regression preventing workflow File Action trigger from saving custom action icon
- Improved behaviour when adding Getting Started / example / template workflows, adding to currently selected category
- Updated spell / define input filter to work asynchronously, resulting in smoother performance
- Fix layout issue in Write File object configuration sheet for "Allow empty files" tick box
- Updated "All Workflow Objects" Getting Started guide with new objects
- Updated 'Should I watch this movie' example workflow
- Added vault selection to hide specific vaults from Alfred's results
- Added option to "Only show Logins" if you aren't interested in seeing all 1Password data in Alfred's results
- Added separate columns for 'type' and 'vault' added in 1Password feature preferences
- All 1Password columns are now sortable in the preferences item preview table
- Recognise multiple URLs in a 1Password web login and show separate entries in Alfred's search results
File System
- Overhauled file interactions, moving back to using Finder / AppleScript for copy, move and delete
- Now gives a more useful feedback notification when the action fails
- Correctly deals with permissions and app translocation
- Gives Finder progress for larger files
- Improved, simplified logic in file actions view
- Now also recognises file packages
- Added default cmd+i shortcut on selected file results to show Finder's Get Info view
- Added 'Macintosh HD' to the default eject blacklist
Alfred Remote
- Add new System volume control to System Commands
- Reorganise the System Command popup menu into groups matching workflow System Command
- Update System Command remote page example to include new commands
General Improvements
- New icons for File Actions and iTunes Mini Player
- A number of optimisations and improvements to further reduce the distributable size
- Added popup menu when right clicking on Alfred hat in default results which matches status bar menu
- Gives Alfred's version number, access to Alfred's preferences, check for updates, quit
- Improved word based searching in Alfred Preferences Web Search / Workflow search fields
- Added new option in Advanced preferences to restore clipboard content after using a hotkey which obtains the current selection in macOS
- Note that this isn't the default behaviour as there is a memory implication for buffering clipboard content
- Update LinkedIn built in web search to latest search URL
- Update Rotten Tomatoes and Wolfram default searches to https
- Improve responsiveness by opening files and apps asynchronously in certain scenarios
- Improved calculator number formatting, now properly respecting macOS grouping separator if not forced
Alfred 3.2.1
Build 768, Thursday 8th December 2016
General Improvements
- Update markdown helper to correctly interpret list items (4 space instead of 2 space)
- Note that if you are using Alfred 3.2 or earlier, the update change log will render incorrectly until you update to 3.2.1
- Improved loading of 1Password 6.5+ 3rd party integration data
- Update Google Drive default web search URL to latest, fixing space encoding issue
- Make the usage stats header text selectable in Alfred's preferences
- Add new "Play Sound" output object
- Play sounds from the System sound bank
- Play custom aif / m4a files from within the workflow's folder
- Replace out {query} before snippet dynamic placeholders in "Copy to Clipboard" workflow object allowing for:
- {cursor} positioning to work correctly when also using {query}
- Passed in {query} to contain dynamic snippet placeholders such as {cursor}
- Add content type tree support to the File Action trigger making it easier to show actions for type groups
- For example, add +public.image as a file type for an action to show for all files which conform to this type
- Add workflow info to the script task error dialog to help identify and debug issues
- Improved rendering in the Workflows list in Alfred's preferences
- Added option to show 'Last Modified' date in Workflows list
Clipboard and Snippets
- Correctly calculate the visible length rather than underlying length of a snippet when positioning {cursor}
- More efficient rejection of keyword matching when checking for auto expanding snippets
- Work around macOS bug regarding mis-reported fn mod key being registered during text expansion
- More effective tidy up of expired clipboard history data
File System
- Add new "Copy File to Clipboard" file action which copies file rather than path
- Useful for copying file for subsequent pasting into e.g.
- Consolidated single and multiple file action code for better efficiency
Alfred 3.2
Build 759, Tuesday 8th November 2016
- Improvements to workflow canvas creation usability
- Drag from a connection to an empty space to create a new workflow object at that location
- Click a workflow output to create and connect a new workflow object to the right
- Automatically select any newly added workflow objects to allow for immediate moving or removing by keyboard
- Hint on canvas for how to add the first workflow object with an empty workflow
- Script Filter enhancements
- The script output can now tell Alfred to re-run the script after a set period of time
- Scripts can now output variables
- Variables are passed through to the object output connections when actioning results
- Variables are passed back into subsequent runs of the script within the same session
- New "Advanced Script Filters" getting started workflow which covers the new concepts
- Tidy up default examples when changing script type with no script entered
- 'quicklookurl' now also accepts file paths and internally converts to file URLs (treated as a file path if it has a / or ~/ prefix)
- Fix cleaning stream variables before processing causing variables to be lost on looping workflows
- Higher performance processing of JSON/XML to results
- Improvements and additions to other Workflow objects
- 'Hotkey' trigger object can now pass currently focused application through to workflow as a variable allowing for app context filtering
- 'Copy to Clipboard' output object now accepts {cursor} placeholder to move cursor to selected position (only works when auto-pasting)
- Fix issue where corrupted workflow prevented Alfred Preferences Workflows tab from displaying
- Improvements for symlinked workflows
- Fully resolve path to info.plist before writing to ensure symlinked workflows are written to correct folder
- Fully resolve workflow folder before exporting to allow for symlinked workflow folders to be exported
- Fix fn+return mod override connection behavior in default results on macOS Sierra
- Improvements to built-in Getting Started and Example workflows
- Add new "Simple Folder Search" built-in workflow example
- Renamed "Script Filter Output" to "Script Filter" for better consistency
- Added new "Advanced Hotkeys" getting started guide to cover hotkey active app variables
- Updated the "All Workflow Objects" getting started workflow to add new objects
Clipboard and Snippets
- Add {cursor} placeholder to move cursor to selected position within pasted snippets (including Alfred Remote)
- Show a warning in Alfred's Snippets preferences if an app is preventing text expansion by locking secure input
- If using option to slow down key events, slow them a little more than v3.1.1
- Prevent clipboard merging from incorrectly merging non-text clipboard entries by their description (e.g. images and file)
- More efficient processing of snippets in Alfred Text Service
File System
- Make Alfred's Application cache also convert names to latin for e.g. pinyin search
- Add "Previews" tab under File Search feature
- Move Quick Look option from Advanced to Previews
- New option to disable rich previews altogether
- New options to not load actions/navigation rich previews for specified types and within specified folders
- When the rich preview panel isn't required, the selected file type icon is shown instead
- Higher performance caching of scope folders when initialising metadata search
- Work around macOS file localiation bug (e.g. folders in the home folder weren't correctly localising in search)
- Correctly clean up file summary panel after hiding
1Password Integration
- 1Password integration updated to be compatible with 1Password 6.5+
- Alfred now shows results from multiple vaults, including 1Password Families / Teams
- All items are now shown from your 1Password
- Logins are opened directly in your default browser
- Other items (such as Secure Notes) are opened in 1Password mini
General Improvements
- Fix navigating out of empty folder behaviour in Copy To / Move To file actions
- Make all help subtext throughout Alfred's preferences darker for better readability
- Update references of OS X to macOS throughout Alfred and Alfred Preferences
- Prevent Alfred's Preferences Appearance tab from unnecessarily switching to discrete GPU on dual GPU laptops
- Fix issue where quickly dragging a file out of Alfred's main results could result in the incorrect file being dragged
- Update iTunes option to ignore movies and tv shows from miniplayer, also ignore music videos
- Streamlined various aspects of Alfred's core for higher performance
- Fix spelling mistake in Advanced > Proxy settings
Alfred 3.1.1
Build 736, Saturday 17th September 2016
General Improvements
- Fix macOS Sierra issue where Alfred appears to be stuck when opening a newly downloaded app for the first time. Alfred was simply hiding the macOS warning confirmation dialog.
- Add default file search option to ignore iMessage transcripts to work around macOS bug where they are incorrectly found when ~/Desktop is in the search scope
- Add null check on metadata file search attributes before attempting cleanup during a file search
- Fix Calculator bug when deleting advanced = keyword with standard calculator disabled, result remains in display
- Improved processing of array config override properties in workflows and action triggers
- Update simulated key events throughout Alfred for improved reliability
- Fix wording in iTunes mini player indexing view 'Artist:' to 'Artists:'
Clipboard and Snippet Improvements
- Added option to slow down simulated key events for snippet expansion which can help with older Macs, and with non-standard software
- Added option to adjust delay for clipboard content restoration after snippet expansion
- Updated image type recognition in clipboard when identifying data type, ensuring that images copied from clipboard aren't treated as text (urls)
- Improved clipboard history logic for when to ignore data from specified apps
Alfred 3.1
Build 718, Tuesday 30th August 2016
- Add new "Call External Trigger" workflow output object
- Calls trigger directly, avoiding the need to use AppleScript
- Pass through argument and variables to trigger (in same or different workflow)
- Ability to use variables directly within workflow and trigger fields for callback style functions
- Update the "External Trigger" workflow object to better reflect the new "Call External Trigger" object
- Add new "Call External Trigger" Getting Started workflow
- Add new "Hide Alfred" workflow utility
- Gives more control when preventing Alfred from hiding in a connection
- Add new "Dispatch Key Combo" workflow output to simulate a keypress within macOS
- Prevents the need to use AppleScript to simulate keypresses
- Update key combo framework code to share between Remote and Workflow Object
- Update "Delay" workflow utility to accept fractional seconds e.g. 0.5
- Prevent workflow list popup menu from showing when there is a sheet showing in the preferences window
- Performance enhancements around workflow object configuration setting and getting
- When showing a direct / chained input in Alfred, and the textfield is empty, use cmd+backspace to reset Alfred to default state
- Fix "Debug" workflow utility to correctly process multi item input arguments
General Improvements
- Improved overall performance and responsiveness, especially when Mac is under load
- Added ability to drag files out of Alfred's file buffer
- Improved reliability of simulated mod key release when using Alfred Hotkeys
- Show the document preview instead of the file icon in the recent document file action
- Fix allowing cmd+s and Esc as key combos in Remote configuration
- Prevent rare scenario where auto-expanding snippet could cause Alfred to display
- Speed up Large Type fade in animation
- Improve performance of Actions panel
- Update iTunes AppleScript to disable shuffle before playing Alfred playlist (Latest iTunes 12 supports this again)
- Add updated email attachment support for Airmail 3
- Tuned metadata queries for macOS Sierra for higher performance
- Improved file preview display, showing compact style view of documents / movies etc
- Fix spelling mistake in Alfreds's preferences... From "Apples's" to "Apple's" ;)
- Fix alias files correctly opening when using file system navigation
Alfred 3.0.3
Build 694, Monday 18th July 2016
- Fix issue which prevented argv arguments being correctly being passed to workflow scripts configured as External Scripts
- Correctly recognise number types in JSON config passed out of JSON Config and scripts doing dynamic configuration
- Update Workflow getting started guides, placing workflow name before "Getting Started" for clarity
- Fix issue preventing dictionary filter language from being correctly applied
- If you are experiencing an issue, re-save the configuration for the dictionary filter in your workflow
- The workflow version is now set as script environment variable alfred_workflow_version
Clipboard and Snippets
- Reorganised options between snippets and clipboard preferences for better relevancy
- 'Show "All Snippets" at top of Clipboard History' option is now in clipboard preferences
- Added new option "Show snippets when searching Clipboard History" on by default
- Disable to prevent your snippets from showing in the default clipboard history search results
- Significant improvement to snippet database caching performance
- Useful if you have very large snippet databases
- Use ditto for snippet collection export for wider snippet filename compatibility
- Make the snippet name field optional (but still recommended if sharing a collection)
- Fettle timing in Alfred Text Service for better support of non-standard apps
- Bring forward the logic to ignore clipboard content for specified apps
- Also allows Adobe users to work around Illustrator memory bug on copy
- Fix correctly showing Alfred as the source app in Clipboard History when copying from Alfred's text input field
- Allow the clipboard history clear keyword to work with clipboard history persisting disabled
General Improvements
- Improve deployment and update mechanism in preparation for macOS 10.12
- Fix compatibility issue for macOS 10.9 in List Filter workflow object configuration
- Fix font menu showing with ctrl+click as well as right click in theme editor
- Fix spell / define keywords to automatically detect language when "Default" language is used
- Provisioning for Powerpack activation when sharing a bootable external drive between multiple Macs (requires defaults write)
Alfred 3.0.2
Build 676, Tuesday 14th June 2016
Corporate Licensing
- Alfred 3 corporate licensing now available
- We will be rolling out updated corporate licenses to current corporate users in the coming days
- If you are interested in corporate licensing for your business or team, please contact our info@ email address
General Improvements
- Recognise 'alfred3workflow' file extension in the same way as 'alfredworkflow' for installing workflows
- Helps helper libraries such as Alfred-Workflow by Dean Jackson (deanishe) with features such as auto-update
- Fix intelligent selection list wrapping (in e.g. Clipboard History view), making it more predictable.
- The wrapping from last item to first item and first item to last item will now only occur with a key press, not a repeated key hold.
- Only treat clipboard history image data as images if there isn't associated plain string data.
- This allows copying from apps such as Numbers and Excel in the correct text version
- Prepend workflow folder to PYTHONPATH environment variable when running Python scripts
- In text service, reset buffered chars when characters typed with ctrl key down
- Allows for e.g. ctrl+c terminal, then typing snippet.
- Also helps expansion when using e.g. emacs bindings
- Always set the argument for a workflow dictionary filter, this allows 'not found' words to be processed in the same way as matching words
Alfred 3.0.1
Build 671, Tuesday 31st May 2016
Snippet Improvements
- Enhanced performance and reliability for automatic snippet expansion
- Allow spaces in snippet keywords
- Render spaces as ␣ in the snippets table view to make it clear when there are spaces being used
- Limit characters in snippet collection names to allow for maximum sharing and syncing compatibility
- Sanitise snippet filenames on import to ensure reliable syncing
- Tidy up export of snippets
- Reorganise the text expansion code for higher performance and more resilience to external influences
- More reliable dead key state resetting in Alfred Text Service
- Fix date regex for arbitrary {date:} replacement tag. Was incorrectly matching multiple date formats in single paragraph.
- Strip out characters from snippet filename when saving which may cause syncing issues (i.e. emoji with Dropbox)
Clipboard Improvements
- Add actual word count and character count to clipboard history text items summary view
- Improve performance of clipboard history viewer and auto pasting by only reloading text for pasting if necessary
- Make clip truncation in the clipboard history viewer more intelligent
- Fix the "Clear History" button in Alfred's Clipboard preferences
Workflow improvements
- Ensure that number values are correctly passed into environment variables when running scripts
- In Arg and Var workflow object, ensure that Arg {query} is replaced with empty string if passed in argument is empty
- When running scripts, fall back to decoding as ASCII string if UTF-8 fails. Fixes rare scenarios when scripts unexpectedly return empty contents.
- More resilience against unexpected CSV data when dragging CSV into the list filter
- Improve the dynamic file search workflow example
- Correctly process the JSON Utility output, deeply replacing {query} and (query)
- Switch default parsing method for Script Filters to be JSON
- This essentially means that if there is an error and the return format cannot be identified, a JSON related error will be shown.
- Significantly enhance the debug output of failing JSON output from a Script Filter, showing generated output and possible error cause
General improvements and fixes
- Option to touch alias files after opening them in Alfred to enhanced ranking, on by default
- This is useful if you want to make aliases for applications, and add aliases to Alfred's default file types.
- Fix issue with AppleScript files running twice when finding them for running in file search mode
- Fix default results auto-complete for no-argument items
- Improved wording on activation error sheet
- Add Ukraine to locations
- Fix help button in migration assistant
- Improved alias resolution code
- Don't start Alfred 3 if Alfred 1 is running to prevent clashes
- Improve reliability of initial migration, specifically if users had Alfred 2 synced in the past
- Add checks around file url when checking and removing Alfred from login items to handle unexpected data
- Fix iTunes indexing progress display when track name is nil
- Fix theme rendering colours in positioning view of appearance options
- Tidy up naming on imported themes
- Update change log markdown generation to use system font, and refine sizes
Alfred 3.0
Build 652, Thursday 19th May 2016
We've updated almost every aspect of Alfred for this huge release as you can see from this extensive change log.
While we've added many new features, there have also been numerous improvements under the hood, with extensive code analysis. As such, the downloadable file has been reduced in size by nearly 40% (less than 3MB at the point of release) and you will find Alfred to be faster than ever, with a tiny memory footprint.
General Improvements
- Migration assistant to help transfer all settings from Alfred 2 to Alfred 3
- Move Alfred to macOS 10.9+ allowing Alfred to use newer macOS technologies
- Added version number into macOS status bar hat menu
- ⌘W to close the Alfred window at any point
- The LC_CTYPE environment variable is now set to en_US.UTF-8 by default
- Can be overridden per workflow in the new Workflow Variables
- Migrate Alfred's threading to GCD / Thread Pooling for higher performance
- Update selection list actioning framework to support actions when no items are visible (i.e. file navigation or iTunes transport)
- Removed native support for Growl (workflows can still use growlnotify if required)
- Updated help tab with link to Getting Started guide
- Updated Alfred's auto updater
- Improved, higher performance image caching
- Overhauled keyboard handling, now aware of DVORAK-QWERTY
- Higher performance key caching when switching keyboards
- Improved knowledge / learning with faster latching to keyword based items such as workflows
Workflows have received a significant upgrade in Alfred 3, with new "Getting Started" guides available from the + button, exploring many of the new abilities.
Overhaul to the workflow architecture
- Now allows arbitrary object layout and connection
- Chaining of objects of all types, including input objects
- Dynamic and scriptable workflow object configuration using JSON
- Ability to veto Alfred's window from closing in the connection configuration
- Useful for input chaining to prevent window from closing / flickering
- Improved script task handling, particularly in regards to stderr handling
- Placeholder titles are no longer required fields for filter inputs for better chaining / direct use flexibility
- Version number added to workflow (variables) config, shown in description field when editing a workflow
Brand new Workflow editor
- Better visual clarity of connections
- Assign colours to objects
- New object notes to clearly annotate your workflows
- Multi selection / reorganisation of objects
- Intelligent cut, copy and paste of multiple objects
- Strip pasted hotkey config only when necessary
- Copy and paste configuration between matching objects
- Removes the need to delete and re-add object when reusing
- Add objects using right-click on the canvas at the location for editing
- Insert objects before or after an object, with automatic reconfiguration of connections
- Replace a selected object with a different object without losing its connections
- Standardise the ⌘S shortcut for saving workflow configuration sheets
- Use arrow keys to move selected objects around the canvas (+shift for moving further)
- New "Open Workflow folder in Finder" button in every workflow configuration sheet, next to Save / Cancel buttons
- New "Open in Terminal" option on workflows popup menu
- Canvas zooming, contextually zooming on selected items. Also, supports Apple trackpad pinch to zoom gesture.
- You can now search by creator in the workflow list (at least the first name needs to be typed to match)
- Remember canvas location and zoom within a session (for e.g. switching between workflows / easier copy and paste)
Improved Debugging
- Make filtering debug output by selected object a selectable option
- Debug logging is now clearer with colours
- Timestamp added into debugger
- New alfred_debug=1 environment variable on scripts when the Alfred debugger is visible in preferences
- Close button added to debug view
Improved workflow import
- Now shows the workflow readme before importing
- When updating, option to not migrate settings, which helps 'reset' a workflow when importing.
- Intelligent workflow import when updating a workflow, migrating keywords, variables and hotkeys
- Variables are merged with variables a user may have changed or added
- Keywords are not migrated if the new version starts with a { as this assumes it contains a variable
New Workflow objects
- Utilities
- Argument and Variables
- Modify or switch the current input argument being passed through the workflow
- Insert or update new variables into the workflow stream
- JSON Config
- Modify the flow of data through Alfred allowing for:
- Updated argument / variable replacement
- Dynamic configuration of connected objects
- Workflow variable insertion / configuration
- Button to tidy the written JSON
- Modify the flow of data through Alfred allowing for:
- Junction
- Merge connections, multiple in and out
- Also nice for keeping a workflow's connections tidy
- Filter
- Only continue if input matches / does not match string or regex
- Delay
- Schedule a workflow stream to continue execution after specified number of seconds
- Yields execution back to workflow
- Dynamic icon in workflow editor to hint specified seconds
- Transform
- Trim, upper, lower, camel, reverse, strip diacritics, strip non-alpha
- Replace
- Replace string / regex within input query with specified string
- Mode for "empty input" allowing for defaulting of arguments
- Debug
- Write text out to the Alfred workflow debugger
- Sensible default which shows input and all variables
- Debug info shown with default 'interesting information' selected in debugger
- Option to clear the debug log, useful for debug objects at beginning of workflow stream
- Argument and Variables
- Outputs
- Write Text File
- Write the input to the specified text file
- Option to skip, overwrite or append if file already exists
- Option to create intermediate folders before writing file
- File can be written to absolute path, or relatively to workflow data folder or workflow folder itself
- Write Text File
Updated Workflow objects
- Triggers
- Hotkey
- Now shows the hotkey mode to the right hand side: simulate mod release, wait for mod release, pass through mods
- Hotkey
- Inputs
- Script Filter
- Updated script output format for adding results into Alfred
- New JSON feedback format, easier to read and configure
- Updated XML feedback format for new mod features
- Legacy support for Alfred 2 XML format
- New ability to directly run external scripts of any type without the need to bootstrap
- Simplified query argument processing, allowing use of argv in place of {query} replacement
- When using argv, file lists (e.g. from an Action trigger) are passed as separate arguments
- New option for Alfred to filter the returned results
- Script is run once, Alfred subsequently filters as user types - extreme performance
- More result flexibility including separate control of validity, subtext and argument for modifiers
- Mod results no longer need a configured mod output connection, they pass out default connection instead
- New 'quicklookurl' XML tag / JSON property to override and provide a custom Quick Look for a result
- Updated script output format for adding results into Alfred
- List Filter
- Simple configuration of items into Alfred's results
- Configure the title, subtitle, argument and icon for each result
- Intelligent inheritance of icon (workflow -> object -> item)
- Batch import CSV of items into list configuration for easy mass editing
- Simple configuration of items into Alfred's results
- Dictionary Filter
- Access macOS's word lookup with a workflow object
- Configurable language settings
- Script Filter
- Actions
- Open File
- Offers new text field to manually enter static file to open
- Easier to see full file path of dropped file
- Allows for filename variable replacement
- Allows for opening of a file which may not yet exist
- If not absolute path, treats file as relative to workflow
- If static file defined, this is now correctly passed out to the connected objects
- Now aware of relative paths, searches first in workflow's own folder, then the workflow's data folder
- Offers new text field to manually enter static file to open
- Open URL
- Now defaults the search URL to {query} to work for passed in URLs
- Significantly improved URL encoding (see "Web Searches" section of change log)
- Reveal File in Finder
- Now aware of relative paths, searches first in workflow's own folder, then the workflow's data folder
- Browse in Alfred
- Now aware of relative paths, searches first in workflow's own folder, then the workflow's data folder
- The browsed path is now correctly passed out to the connected objects
- Run Script
- New ability to directly run external scripts of any type without the need to bootstrap
- Simplified query argument processing, allowing use of argv in place of {query} replacement
- When using argv, file lists (e.g. from an Action trigger) are passed as separate arguments
- Open File
- Outputs
- Copy to Clipboard
- Option to mark the copied data as transient, preventing it from appearing in clipboard history apps (including Alfred)
- Large Type
- Now configurable large type text with query and variable substitution, consistent with other output objects
- Copy to Clipboard
Workflow environment variables
- Default environment variables set per workflow configuration sheet
- {var:varname} placeholders can be used in workflow object configuration text fields
- Can be set dynamically throughout a workflow
- Using Argument and Variable utility
- Using JSON (JSON utility, or JSON output from a script)
- Workflow variables are set as environment variables when running script objects
- Variable values are migrated when upgrading a workflow
- Readme moved to variables configuration for better contextual explanation of workflow setup
- The theme selected result background colour is now set as a script environment variable
Clipboard History and Snippets
- Multimedia Clipboard
- Images
- File Lists
- Hex Colours
- Vastly improved Snippets with Auto Expansion
- Automatic snippet expansion into any macOS text field via the snippet's keyword
- maintains previous clipboard contents when using auto expansion
- cmd+s on a clipboard item in Alfred's clipboard history to quickly save snippet from a clipboard entry
- Snippet collections
- Export and Import collections
- Move snippets between collections
- New JSON file format
- Hotkey directly to snippets, toggle between clipboard and snippets viewers with respective hotkeys
- Snippets are no longer copied into clipboard history on use
- When adding a snippet into Alfred Remote, popup menu shows snippet collection hierarchy
- Automatic snippet expansion into any macOS text field via the snippet's keyword
- New option to "Load More" at bottom of clipboard history list to load next batch of history
- Helps find clipboard history data if you can't remember a part of it for searching
- Improved clipboard history performance, uses practically zero CPU
- Items pasted out of Alfred are marked as Alfred clipboard data; clipboard isn't re-processed by Alfred
- Added new option to move items to top of list when used from clipboard history (on by default as per v2 behaviour)
- Improved clipboard fast append matching algorithm
- Arbitrary date formatting with the {date:FORMAT} placeholder (using Unicode Technical Standard #35)
- When clearing the clipboard database, the database is now deleted then recreated
Theming and Appearance
- New Alfred 3 default themes
- Brand new theme editor
- Intuitive point and drag to change sizes, click for colour, right click for fonts
- Font mode to drag up/down through default fonts
- Change between theme mode and font mode with T and F
- Share themes on directly from the theme editor
- Easy to read JSON file format
- When creating a new theme with the + button, base it on the default theme. Use duplicate theme menu to duplicate selected
- Use System font by default throughout Alfred (in views where theme fonts aren't applicable, e.g. Clipboard History preview)
- Arbitrary font selection from all installed fonts
- Undo / Redo support in the theme editor
- Intelligent shadow invalidation for more reliable theme transparency
- Improved logic on vertical alignment of fonts in the search field paving the way for non-standard 3rd party fonts
- Imports v2 Theme URLs and migrates theme to v3 (e.g. from Packal)
File Search and Navigation
- Improved file actions (copy/move/delete) with success / fail notifications
- Abbreviate file path subtext (e.g. ~/ instead of /Users/andrew/)
- Abbreviate the iCloud Drive subtext file paths (e.g. iCloud Drive/Pages/document1.doc)
- Bug Fix: When browsing an empty folder and backspacing on the folder (e.g. ~/Applications/) that it jumps up a folder.
- Improved layout for secondary views (FS Navigation / actions panel etc) with larger preview
- Now uses Quick Look panel to show preview of document
- Show full filename at bottom of FS Navigation view
- In areas where you configure user defined file types (default results, file filter workflow object), prefix type with + to search type tree
- Fix when typing a path into Alfred e.g. /Applications, then selecting all and typing a string (e.g. 'andrew')
- Now correctly returns to the default results instead of staying in the FS navigation mode with no results
- e.g. "public.folder" searches kMDItemContentType, "" searches kMDItemContentTypeTree
System Commands
- New Sleep Displays command with keyword "sleepdisplays", to sleep displays
- Also added for Alfred Remote
- Moved to using pmset for sleep command and new display sleep command
- Make the default eject scope "Local Mounted Volumes"
- Better organised "System Commands" Alfred Remote example page with new "Sleep Displays" command
Contacts Integration
- More intelligent height truncation for long contact cards
- Updated Microsoft Outlook email attachment support
Web Searches
- Make Amazon searcher https by default
- Updated Bing to use https and .com by default due to certificate inconsistency
- Updated Wunderground to be use https by default
- Added new default web search for Pinterest
- Unified custom web search sheet save button to use cmd+s
- Significantly improved URL encoding
- Add intelligent {query} encoding based on wether it's a URL parameter, or part of the URL string.
- Allow for flexible space encoding in {query}, e.g. - _ + /
- Applies to Custom Searches, Open URL workflow object and Remote Open URL
- Improved Accessibility
- Alfred can now read the selected result using Voice Over