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Music Mini Player

The Mini Player is a handy, mouse-free way to control your music collection. From playing your favourite albums and rating them to letting Alfred surprise you with a random album, there's much fun to be had with the Mini Player.

The Music Mini Player is a Powerpack feature.

Music Mini Player

Discover how to use the Mini Player:

Using the Mini Player

Using macOS 10.14 or older? Launch' preferences > Advanced, and check the "Share Library XML with other applications" checkbox to ensure that makes its library available to Alfred. This is no longer necessary in macOS 10.15+

To launch the Mini Player, type "music" in Alfred (or use the Cmd + Alt + Return default hotkey combination). Start typing the name of a song, album or artist, or navigate through the options underneath. You can browse your music collection using arrow keys or command + number.

Rating your music

You can rate your music collection, using stars and half stars. This rating will be visible in too. You can either use the mouse to set a star rating or type in "Ctrl + Cmd + number from 1 to 5".

Refreshing your music collection

If you add new music to your collection, use the ⌘ + R hotkey combination to reindex your library. Alfred will then check for newly added music and add it to the Mini Player.

Alfred also automatically rebuilds his own database of your music when you update to a new Alfred release.

General Mini Player Preferences

You can change your Mini Player hotkey and keyword in the General preferences.

iTunes Hotkey

You can also enable or disable the following settings:

  • Playback: When randomising, only play larger albums
  • Behaviour: Hide Mini Player after selecting song
  • Searching: Include Playlists in Mini Player Search Results Mini Player Keywords and Hotkeys

Under the > Keywords menu, you can view, customise and enable or disable the keywords used to control

By default, these keywords are also shown in Alfred's default results, so typing "random" into Alfred's search box will start a new random album in, which is a fun way to start the day!

iTunes Keywords

Below are the default hotkeys to browse your music while the Mini Player is active:

  • Play / Pause
  • Next Track
  • Back Track
  • Play Random Album
  • [0-5] Rate currently playing song from 0 to 5 stars
  • backspace Go up a folder in Mini Player
  • r Reindex library

Want to control while the Mini Player isn't active? Take a look at the workflow actions to control

Advanced Preferences

In the advanced preferences, you'll find and be able to specify the iTunes Music Library XML file for Alfred to use if you're using macOS 10.14 or older. Usually, this file is found automatically, but if there are multiple instances on your Mac, you can specify which one Alfred should look at.

You can also specify whether unticked tracks, podcasts, movies and TV shows should be included in Alfred's Mini Player index.

If you've added music, the quickest way to update Alfred's file is to use ⌘ + R, but you can also press the "Reset Music Library" button here. "Reset Artwork" will refresh all album artwork cached by Alfred, which is useful if you've recently updated a lot of album art in

The Predictability setting allows Alfred to create a playlist in to give a more predictable play order for an album.

Troubleshooting the Mini Player

If you're having trouble with the Mini Player and find that your songs are either not found, not playing or not in the expected order, take a look at the Mini Player troubleshooting page.

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