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Advanced Snippet Expansion Preferences

Once you're up and running with snippet expansion, you can make a few additional changes if necessary, by clicking on the cog next to the "Automatically expand snippets by keyword" text in the top right.

Snippets Preferences top

In these advanced options, you'll find a few key settings; If you use certain apps where you'd prefer for Alfred not to expand, drop them in. By default, Alfred and Alfred Preferences are listed here.

If you want Alfred to expand snippets regardless of where they are within a string of text, you can do so.

Snippet Expansion Prefs


Set whether you want a sound to be played with a snippet or workflow snippet trigger is used. Select the sound you want to use from the built-in sounds, or add your own. (Tip: Be sure to keep the sound very short!)

You can find a SoundBank created by the Alfred team on the Alfred Labs page.

Snipets sounds preferences

Tweaking Options

If, when expanding your keyword, you find that part of the keyword is still visible, or part of the snippet text is deleted, slow down the simulated key events.

This can occur in particular in non-native Mac apps, and simply adds an imperceptible delay between deleting the keyword and pasting the snippet, allowing slower apps to catch up.

You can also customise how and when Alfred should restore clipboard contents.

Snippets Preferences, Tweaking tab

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