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Searching Alfred's Preferences

In Alfred 4, we've added a ubiquitous preferences search to make it easier for you to get to the preferences you want to view or edit.

There are two ways to get to the preferences you want:

1. In Alfred's main bar, start with a question mark

Prefix your search term with a question mark to show the relevant results.

Using the question mark prefix to search the preferences

2. In Alfred's Preferences, use the search bar

Simply type your search term in the search bar in the top right of Alfred's preferences to see the relevant results. You can get to the top right search bar with Cmd + F.

Ubiquitous search in preferences

How can I use the Preferences Search?

  • Type hotkeys to see all your configured hotkeys
  • Type keywords to see all your configured keywords
  • Search for a workflow name or keyword within that workflow. Pressing return will open the canvas to the relevant workflow
  • Search for a snippet name or keyword to show the Snippets with the snippet highlighted
  • Search for a feature in Alfred (e.g. eject) to pop up the relevant preferences pane
  • Type custom to add a new custom search

At all times, you'll also see a result that takes you to the online help documentation for Alfred.

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Alfred 5.6 Released: Improvements and fixes to Workflows and more

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