Alfred 5.5 is here - Find out what's new

Overview of Alfred's features

Alfred is a productivity app for macOS. Between the core features available for free and the advanced features you can unlock with the Powerpack, you'll find a multitude of ways to speed up your work and make you more productive.

Take a look at the wealth of features below, as well as the tutorials and guides to get started.

Taking a look at Alfred's features

The links below are organised based on the order in which you'll find the sections in Alfred's Preferences. If you can't see what you're looking for, try searching via the magnifying glass in the top right corner of this page.

Alfred prefs

General Preferences

Set your Alfred hotkey and location to get started.


The majority of your Alfred preferences are set in the Features section (but don't forget to take a look at Workflows!)

  • Default Results: These are the main results Alfred presents by default, and where he looks for them
  • File Search: Using the file search keywords is the best way to find files; it keeps the default results both fast and focused
  • Actions: Perform actions on results in Alfred's search
  • Web Search: Search the web using the built-in default web searches or create your own custom searches
  • Web Bookmarks: Search Safari and Google Chrome bookmarks
  • Clipboard History: Automatically store copied items in a searchable clipboard history
  • Snippets and Text Expansion: Keep your most useful snippets always at hand
  • Calculator: Do quick mathematical calculations and copy the result to the macOS clipboard
  • Dictionary: Look up words in Alfred or macOS's dictionary, and paste them into another app
  • Contacts: Search and view your Apple Address Book
  • iTunes Mini Player: Take control of iTunes to find and play your favourite music, or let Alfred pick for you
  • 1Password: Search and open your 1Password 1Click Bookmarks
  • System: Control macOS directly from your keyboard; ejecting, quitting and hiding apps
  • Terminal/Shell: Quickly open the terminal and run shell commands
  • Large Type: Show text and results in large characters across your screen
  • Previews: Customise usage of macOS Quick Look, and how Alfred displays file previews


With Alfred's incredibly flexible workflows, you can extend Alfred to create your own amazing time-saving tools.

Take a look at the Workflows section for a full guide to the workflow objects, as well as numerous guides and tutorials to get you started.


Take a look at Appearance and Theming to create custom themes with fonts and colours to match your Desktop or your mood. You'll also find various display options; number of results to show, which icons to display and more.



Find out more about Alfred Remote for iOS's features.

Information on setting up Alfred Remote:



Can't find what you're looking for?

If you haven't found what you're looking for on this page, try searching:

  • Search the Preferences by prefixing your search term with the question mark symbol, or by using the "Search Preferences" box at the top right of Alfred's preferences.
  • Search this help site for guides, tutorials and feature documentation

Drop us a tweet on @alfredapp or post on the Alfred Forum if you need help and can't find your answer here.

Latest Blog Post:

Video Tutorial: Using Web Searches and Creating Custom Searches in Alfred

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