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Issues Opening Alfred After a New Installation

If you've only just installed Alfred and are having issues with Alfred's preferences not opening correctly (e.g. missing feature names or preferences icons) or the app behaves oddly (e.g. freezes when you're typing a few characters), there are two reasons this may be happening.

Moving the app after installing

If the application is still in your Downloads folder when you run Alfred for the first time, he will ask if you want him to be moved to your Applications folder. If you say no and launch Alfred, but then move the application to a new location while running, he may lose resolution of where essential files are located, resulting in odd behaviour.

In that case, quit Alfred and run it from your Applications folder again.

Using a third-party unzipping tool

If you haven't moved Alfred manually, please check whether you've unzipped the application file using a third-party unzipping tool like iZip and iUnarchive. These third-party tools are known to incorrectly resolve internal references in the Alfred bundle when unzipping.

To fix, re-download Alfred from and use the macOS native unzipping.

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