Alfred 5.5 is here - Find out what's new

Workflow Actions

Actions are the objects that do most of the work in your workflows, from opening or revealing files and web searches to running scripts and performing commands.

Open File

The Open File action simply opens the file passed into it, either in the default application or the one you specify.

Launch Apps / Files

This action allows you to quickly launch one or more apps at once (e.g. with a hotkey or keyword).

Reveal File in Finder

Use "Reveal file in Finder" in tandem with a File Filter object to reveal the selected file in Finder.

Browse in Terminal

The Browse in Terminal object launches the passed-in file or folder's path and opens it in macOS's Terminal app.

Browse in Alfred

The Browse in Alfred object launches the passed-in file directory in Alfred's file navigation system.

Action in Alfred

The Action in Alfred object shows Alfred's Universal Actions Panel for the passed-in files, URLs or text.

File Buffer

The File Buffer workflow object allows you to obtain or manipulate the contents of Alfred's File Buffer.

Default Web Search

With a Default Web Search, launch Alfred's built-in web searches in your default browser or a specified one.

Open URL

The Open URL object can be used to launch a URL, with or without a query, or one of your custom searches.

Note that the System and Music Command are now part of the Automations category in Alfred 5.

System Command

Select a System Command from Alfred's built-in commands (sleep, shutdown, restart, etc), with or without a confirm button to quickly control your Mac from a hotkey or keyword.

Music Command

Use a Command to play/pause, change tracks, control the volume or rate songs.

Run Script

The Run Script object runs a script in your preferred interpreter.

Run NSAppleScript

The Run NSAppleScript object is used to run AppleScript from Alfred.

Terminal Command

The Terminal Command object takes the command you've inserted and runs it in Terminal.

Find out more about Workflows

Discover workflows and learn how to create your own in the Workflows section.

To find out more about other workflow objects, take a look at each type:

  • Triggers: Activate Alfred from a hotkey, another Alfred feature or an external source.
  • Inputs: Keyword-based objects used to perform an action, on its own or followed by a query.
  • Automations: New to Alfred 5, these building blocks let you automate tasks without having to write any code.
  • User Interface: Present results in Alfred in convenient new ways, such as a grid of images and files, an editable and interactive text view and more.
  • Utilities: Utilities give you control over how your objects are connected together and how the arguments output by the previous object is passed on to the next object.
  • Outputs: Collect the information from the earlier objects in your workflow to pop up a Notification Centre message, show output in Large Type, copy to clipboard or run a script containing the result of your workflow.

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