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Transform Utility

This handy utility helps you process the input text and format it to suit your needs, tidying up the data formatting.

Transform text as lower case

Using the Transform Utility

You could use the transform utility to tidy up lists of URLs, names, or any other data you have that's a little messy.

In the example above, I use a keyword, after which I can paste my clipboard content. The Transform object will lowercase the pasted-in text and return it to my clipboard as lowercase.

You'll find the Transform object under Utilities in your workflows, and you can connect it to any previous object that will pass through input text. In the Transform configuration, choose from the dropdown how you want to process the text:

  • Trim whitespace
  • Upper case
  • Lower case
  • Capital case
  • Reverse string
  • Strip diacritics
  • Strip non-alphanumeric

Alternatively, you can use the number in brackets to configure the transform using a config type in JSON.

Transforming placeholders in-line

In Alfred 4, we've added a way to transform and manipulate your variables in-line, so that the transform utility isn't always necessary.

For example, rather than passing an argument through the Transform utility, you can enter your variable called name as {var:name.uppercase} in an workflow object that accepts it, such as the Arg/Var utility and the Workflow Environment Variables. This will uppercase it without going through an additional object.

Take a look at the Dynamic Placeholders Modifiers to find out more about transforming your input in-line.

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